The Henry 41 mag is going to the woods tomorrow


Oct 28, 2008
My son wants to use the Henry tomorrow, its the juvenile hunt, we're hoping to get 2 does this weekend.

We're going to take both rifles, the Henry and his case the deer show up out of reach of the 41 mag, he'll be able to get it done.

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Sounds awesome, good luck to you guys. Would be super cool if he can put that Henry into action and drop a couple of does.
Seen some does just at daylight, couldn't see them good enough to tell which way they were standing dark and too far away, 325 yards.

Ended up bringing the M48 280 Ackley instead of his 7mm-08...he's the operator though, I'm just here to satisfy the legal requirement, lol.

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Off topic, but interesting...

In a direct comparison, the Leupold VX 3i 1.5-5x20 on the Henry is both clearer and brighter than the Zeiss HD5 3.5-14x42 on the 280 Ackley... the Zeiss is really good, but the Leupold glass is noticeably better in low light.

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We're still here, should be something else poke its head out after while.

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Sounds as if your youngun is making an informed choice. Best of luck and every success for the boy.