This is absurd

No use bitching to Congressman Raul Grijalva. he would like to see California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas returned to OL' MAy-HEE-KO. :x The bum is also anti-gun and anti-hunting. He ought to be deported to Mexico and told to never come back or else.
Paul B.

I am of the opinion that the country we know and love is cirling the drain because we have allowed liberalism to take over.

We have only ourselves to blame for this. We used to think the liberals were funny and paid them not much mind. We tolerated them to the point that they have outflanked and outmanuvered us. Politics is a battle but instead of lives on the battlefield it's tally is in votes cast. Make no mistake, politics is war.

We need to fight them using their own tactics, being dirty, underhanded, and as ruthless and corrupt as the enemy. That's my opinion, take it for what it's worth.