Today's Eagle Photo

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Taken this morning while walking my dog on the edge of town, near the Wenatchee River:

My father in law, brother in law, and I were hiking in southern Idaho one Christmas recently and at the end of the trail, a bald eagle flew about 20ft overhead. Coming from Southwest Kansas, that kind of thing was never seen so I was left in awe.

Anyways, great photo as always.
Bald eagles started showing up 8-10 years ago. Now in fall there’re as common to see as geese. All during hunting season there is a pair that keep circling over the woods , waiting for a gut pile. It’s amazing how big they are 20yds away pecking away.
Good timing on that one.
I had a bunch of fish heads and tails out for the birds. At about 0:30 in the vid the buzzards scatter and an eagle appears. Impressed me of how the buzzards were aware of it coming and the eagle knew what it was after.
The vultures are aware of their surroundings, and the eagle knows precisely what he is looking for.
Talked to my neighbor this morning, she said a couple weeks ago, she watched a bald eagle swoop down and grab a rabbit. He carried it away all the while thrashing and squealing from it's talons.
Well a few days later she had her little ankle biter Rex out for a jaunt in her yard.
Yup, the bald eagle locked on Rex and started to dive from above. She ran towards Rex holloring and waving her arms. The eagle aborted the attack and flew into one of our trees to watch.
Pretty close call for ol Rex

Well a few days later she had her little ankle biter Rex out for a jaunt in her yard.
Yup, the bald eagle locked on Rex and started to dive from above.
Several years ago a lady at work though someone shot her little ankle biter , turned out the holes were from their talons.