Tried something new - Vortex PST = UPDATE ---


Jan 14, 2008
I've only bought Leupold scopes since 1978. This is my first time straying since.
I'm trying the Vortex PST 4x16x50 EBR-1 MRAD. If this scope line turns out as well as people on the optic forums say they are, I should be happy with it. I'm keeping a realistic expectatation on this because of the price point of the scope. It should be here next week but it might be a few weeks before I can shoot it.
FFP or SFP? I bought one of the 4-16x50 (and a 6-24x50) in SFP MOA models, but I haven't had a chance to try them out.
I'm using the PST 1-4X24 MRAD on my Model 94. It is a good scope priced competitively. I don't believe you'll be displeased with your PST.
I bought the SFP for less $. I use a Leica 1600 for ranging.

I plan / want to learn to use the EBR-1 for estimating range though.

For hunting applications I'll just use my battery powered ........
I've got the scope and I bought Weaver Multi Slot base and the Weaver 6 Hole Tactical Rings in LOW. That surprised me (low) is what was able to use on a 50mm obj.

With MY EYES this is what I saw the first night. It was not a direct comparison since I had a Leupold VX3 3.5x10x40 sitting in my office easy to grab. I did this at 4x to keep them close to the same.

Out side with the sun still in the sky:
Both Scopes clear, now with the side focus on the PST I could get the image sharper at any distance.

Just before the sun went behind the ridge:
PST still bright and sharp and the colors seemed to still "pop" good contrast of colors.
VX3 still bright but the colors were starting to fade (just barely).

Sun behind the ridge and a sunset in the sky.
PST and VX3 brightens everything up and could see neighbors little dog in yard at 600 yds. Again with the side focus on the PST and my "old" eyes..... it sure helps.
Now the PST has the illuminated reticle and this was the first time I ever looked through one that was not in the lighted store. WOW!! Now that was cool!

I wish I knew someone with a MK4 4.5x14x50 to compare against (I have VX3s and VX-L) but for higher end scopes of the guys I run - work with, its Nightforce, VX3 and a Leupold LPS. There are other scopes but none would be close for comparing. I have a Nitrex TRII / Weaver 3x15x50 with side focus on my Sav 17HMR but I know where the Nitrex is .. below the Leupolds (already have done that many times). I might get out this weekend and shoot.

Like I told my buddy, first non Leupold in 30 years. I'll need a couple of seasons to see if it can handle the ride and then I'll comment on how durable. I know what the Leupolds can handle! So we'll see!

I'm happy with the purchase (just over $700) and like feel of the knobs and the scope it's self. Feels solid and should hold up just fine.
Thank you for the update.

Glad you're happy with your purchase.
Nice....I know I've been really happy with mine so far too! I have the 4-16x50 pst and compared to my vx3 4.5-14x40 LR it is every bit as good in regards to glass and tracking. I had the tmr reticle and m1 knobs installed on my leupold so it ended up costing about $300 more than the vortex, and the vortex has more features AND a better warranty! I for one have been converted and will be buying more pst's in the future.
This is not meant to sound argumentative, but how does Vortex have a better warranty than Leupold?
Maybe they don't, I've heard a few second hand stories recently about people being charged to have things fixed on leupolds. It's my understanding that you could drop a vortex off a cliff and they would replace it. It's at least equal....