Trigger ?


Dec 2, 2010
As some of you guys know, I am trying to get my Ruger rifles shooting better. Both have factory triggers in them and I am starting to think that new lighter/smoother triggers will help my shooting. My 30-06 has the tang style safety and the 22-250 has the 3 position safety. What would you do to improve the triggers of these two rifles?
Do most smiths charge a flat rate or per hour rate for trigger jobs? I am guessing the skill of the smith will determine if their job is better than a drop in trigger. I just want the best quality of a fair price.
Most any competent smith can adjust your trigger to your satisfaction and ensure there is no creep left in it.
make 'em better ? adjust them or have a smith that knows Rugers do it - the tang safety 77's are atrocious but can be huntin' rifle adjusted well enough
Has anyone ever put a Timney trigger in a Ruger? Was it difficult and did it help? I am thinking about going this way because I enjoy doing my own work.
I have placed several in tang type safetys. One required some stock modification. The three position required more work and several fittings. You have to file off a piece in the new trigger, too little and it doesn't work, take off a little more. Too much and you need a new trigger. It has been a number of years since I have done one so they may have changed.Rick.