Truck/Camp Rifle?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
When you're not actually hunting, but you're out in the hills. Maybe camping, maybe fishing, whatever... You're outdoors someplace.

Do you routinely bring a rifle or other firearm? If so what's your choice, and why?

I spend a lot of time in the local hills, sometimes just day trips, sometimes hiking, or maybe I'll camp and fish somewhere for a few days. It's pretty much a given that I'll have a handgun, usually my 45 1911, or the 2.5" barreled 357 magnum S&W Model 19. The S&W is smaller & easier to carry.

But I do like having a rifle available. It's not for hunting, it's for protection, a "just in case" gun. Heck, I might even set up a target and do a little plinking if I feel like it and the area is safe for that.

My youngest son advocates for his 12 gauge Rem 870 shotgun with slugs or buckshot. I think he's got a good point there.

Normally I haul the 30-30 Glenfield (Marlin) along. It only holds 4 rounds in the magazine, and is set up with a Williams receiver sight. Normally I'll just toss a box of 170 gr soft point factory ammo in with it. The Glenfield is compact, stores easily and unobtrusively in the Jeep. It's simple. Fast to put into action and has adequate power for most critters here in my corner of the northwest.

Last fall, my oldest son and I spent a week with two more of our buddies in some pretty remote areas of northern Idaho & western Montana. I eyeballed my trusty 30-30, then thought a bit more about grizzlies, and loaded the 45/70 Marlin into the Jeep instead. The ammo was the 350 gr Hornady RNSP handloaded to about 2,000 fps. That rifle has a 2.5x Leupold, in Quick Release rings. I've practiced at modest ranges with sights, and with the 2.5x Leupold.

On my drive to and from Alaska three years ago I had my 30-06 Rem 700 & 200 gr Nosler Partition handloads. I figured it was adequate if I really ended up needing a rifle along the way. Glad I didn't.

The AR-15 is a popular choice with some of my buddies, and I like it, but normally they haul along 5.56/223 chambered AR's. I think highly of the 5.56 against bad guys, it's proven very effective. I've even used it for deer. And I know a fellow who killed a grizzly with one. He had no choice. It was that rifle or his sidearm. But... I think it's a little light for defense against big attacking animals.

What's your choice?

Thanks, Guy
I have my Springfield Armory XD-40 sub-compact always. I also like to have a rifle and I like taking my CZ 455 in .22LR. It just so great for plinking and maybe you get into an area where there are a lot of gophers to thin out a bit. I think a .22 makes a perfect truck gun.
Ya, I thought about the 22 as well. Mine is a Marlin 39A, and comes Sept 1st, grouse season is open, with the 22 being legal. :)

Besides, it's awfully fun to plink with. (y)
The only time I have a rifle in the truck is while hunting, or traveling to a practice spot. Always one of my friends are along to keep me company, Kimber, Springfield Armoury, or my little friend Glock. Never by myself.
I would have said, 12 gauge pump or a lever ie 3030 or 45/70.

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My camp rifle for many years was my Marlin 375S in 375 Win, mounted with a fixed Leupold 2.5 with heavy duplex reticle in Leupold QR rings and bases. That rifle accounted for a number of black bears and moose; fortunately none of them in self defense! LOL

After getting my BLR in 358 Win, that became my main camp rifle, and back-up saddle/atv/guiding/archery rifle. I too has a Leupold Vari-X III 1.5-5x20 mounted in QRrings and bases. It toohas accounted for a number of moose and elk and was usedto back up Dr Mike on his grizzly bear hunts. (again none of them in self defense!)

I do also have a Rem 870 Tactical with ghost ring sights that I have taken to camp and have used when working as bear watch.

This year I am packing my Marlin 336ER in 356 Win. It currently has a Swarovski Z3 3-9x36 mounted on it, but now that I have some QR rings and bases for it, I will be changing that scope out for a Leupold VX-III 1.75-6x36.

I have bought a Marlin 336CS in 35 Rem for wife to use as a camp/saddle rifle. Currently debating what low power variable to mount on it while waiting for another set of QR rings and bases to come in.Thinking of another VX-3 1.5-5x20.
Have even thought about putting a red dot on it...

If I was able to carry a pistol here in Canada, I would be carrying either my New Model Blackhawk in 41 Rem Mag or my CZ SP-01 Tactical in 40 S&W. Or would consider getting a 10MM.

My truck gun is a S&W 629 3" barrel loaded with 250 gr JHP hard cast bullets from Rim Rock Bullets. These are the Deer Grenades that are offered by Buffalo Bore. I've also been known to have my AR-15 pistol in 300 Blackout loaded up with Nosler 110 gr E-Tips. That has a Trijicon ACOG on it and I have 3 30 round magazines.

Blkram":345d2yfp said:
My camp rifle for many years was my Marlin 375S in 375 Win, mounted with a fixed Leupold 2.5 with heavy duplex reticle in Leupold QR rings and bases. That rifle accounted for a number of black bears and moose; fortunately none of them in self defense! LOL

After getting my BLR in 358 Win, that became my main camp rifle, and back-up saddle/atv/guiding/archery rifle. I too has a Leupold Vari-X III 1.5-5x20 mounted in QRrings and bases. It toohas accounted for a number of moose and elk and was usedto back up Dr Mike on his grizzly bear hunts. (again none of them in self defense!)

I do also have a Rem 870 Tactical with ghost ring sights that I have taken to camp and have used when working as bear watch.

This year I am packing my Marlin 336ER in 356 Win. It currently has a Swarovski Z3 3-9x36 mounted on it, but now that I have some QR rings and bases for it, I will be changing that scope out for a Leupold VX-III 1.75-6x36.

I have bought a Marlin 336CS in 35 Rem for wife to use as a camp/saddle rifle. Currently debating what low power variable to mount on it while waiting for another set of QR rings and bases to come in.Thinking of another VX-3 1.5-5x20.
Have even thought about putting a red dot on it...

If I was able to carry a pistol here in Canada, I would be carrying either my New Model Blackhawk in 41 Rem Mag or my CZ SP-01 Tactical in 40 S&W. Or would consider getting a 10MM.
For low power scope, I am happy with the millet dms.
I use it for driven hunts. In good light, it works well beyond 100y

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Interesting comments. When I go to hunting camp during the summer months for fishing or general relaxing my AR with 65 grain Sierra SPBT's goes with me. For general carry purposes my P226 in .357 SIG is on my side. That particular round with the Underwood ammunition is a bear. In Florida when fishing, hunting or camping you are allowed open carry so no problems there.
Generally when we're camping or at the cabin, I have my AR loaded up with 62 gr Gold Dot bullets, with a fixed 2x scope and 45* offset flip-up iron sights..Like so many others, the XD40-Sub-Com is always w/me. If it's legal to hunt squirrel, grouse, pheasant, etc. I'll also take the 12 ga in case I want to hunt or an opportunity presents.
Guy being a product of the 30's and 40's everyone had a 30/30 and it was visible in the rear window. Of course our trucks then didn't have back seats, or 4 wheel drive on the fly or all wheel drive or power steering and if you were born and raised on a farm you made sure you got the middle seat. It is amazing how few kids today know why that was important (-:

And how few use a 30/30--but glad to see you do
Don’t have to drive or mess with the gate!
I spent a few minutes looking for pictures of our old fords, high school parking lot and a mdl94 in the back window. No luck

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Im not that old and I grew up riding 4 wide in a 74 Ford pick up and when I was older in the bed of the truck whenever possible. No car seats no seat belts and absolutely a rifle in the gun rack at all times. All of those things are now illegal and socially unacceptable. That was just 35 yrs ago.
Depending on where we are going to be pretty much always have a 357 and 22 handgun. When we go overnight or full day trips where you'll be in a single location Iand want the camp gun I'd have the ruger 77/357 and 12 guage. I do like the thought of the 3030 lever gun so thats an option too.
What a great thread Guy!

Truck guns are as common as sliced bread here in my part of the world.

As far as carry goes, when camping or fishing I open carry. That’s possible since we live way out in the sticks. I would not advocate doing so in campgrounds or popular trail areas. Depends on where I’m likely to go but I always choose one of three handguns:

Ruger Mk III 6” .22 LR

Ruger GP-100 4” .357 Magnum

Ruger Vaquero 5.5” .45 LC

For daily concealed carry it’s my S&W M&P Shield .380 EZ that gets the nod.

My .30-06 usually gets mustered for any serious hunting or general camping rifle duty but often as not I will take a .22 (usually my Rossi 62A) or .22 WMR (Marlin XT-22M) if we are most likely to be plinking at any point.

I have an AR-15 in .223 but don’t really use it much. It’s a fine weapon, and an accurate rifle, just not sure I care for it like I do a fine bolt action or classic levergun.

I inherited a family heirloom Winchester Model 94 a while back. Serial number places it being made in 1902. She’s rough but mechanically sound. It’s the 26” rifle (octagon barrel) version chambered in .25-35 WCF! It’s rapidly become a favorite and plenty of gun with the old 117 grain Hornady Roundnose bullets I load in it for the angry mountain lion or marauding black bear here in Eastern Oregon.

Truck guns here though as a rule are generally a .223 or .22-250 if I had to say. In the summer time, shotguns are thrown in for snake charming or shot loads go into our handguns.

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This Browning BLR in 358 Win was bought for this purpose. I love how compact and light it is and has enough power for taking out bears. This year I plan on taking off the fixed 6X36 scope and putting on my Bushnell Elite 2-7x32 for a better field of view at close range. If we were allowed to carry handguns here in Canada I would be looking at a Glock 10 mm.

Truck, camp, plane, canoe, sled.

348/71 . however soon I will also be able to rotate between a 358 Wolf and 348 Win

Gerry, I dont use a scope on the lever rifles. Do you shoot them pass 100 yards ?

I am permitted to carry a handgun but dont. They are, on average, a slower option for me.

nice bear
Im seriously considering the 350 Legend as an additional upper for my AR rig, would suit this purpose perfectly I think.
I’m in transition from home to Alaska so no pics. At home I keep an ar handy for the occasional coyote or mountain lion. Road trips into the mountains start with the1911 and lately the little Bergara B14 in 6.5 creed gets the nod.

In Alaska I normally carry the 454, and the 45/70.
Also immediately available are a couple of 450 bushmasters, two . Rugers in 44 mag. A Ruger 454 and a 45lc loaded hot.
Two 870s as well.
Winter watch sent pics a couple of days ago of a young grizz at the lodge.

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Thankful Otter":1fdabj90 said:
Truck, camp, plane, canoe, sled.

348/71 . however soon I will also be able to rotate between a 358 Wolf and 348 Win

Gerry, I dont use a scope on the lever rifles. Do you shoot them pass 100 yards ?

I am permitted to carry a handgun but dont. They are, on average, a slower option for me.

nice bear

Normally shots are pretty close when hunting but I would shoot out to 200 yards with it without hesitation. For strictly bear protection I agree that the iron sights would be great. I'm probably faster to shoot with a scope especially a low power one.