Updates- 300WSM, 35 Whelen, (Dad's) 30-06, and 270


May 18, 2011
So, I've been busy, and the stupid IT guy at work (oh wait, that's me...) put in a new web content filter that catches Nosler...oops. So it's tougher to get on here.

Anyway, my load work has focused on 4 rifles--

1- My Extreme Weather 300WSM

2- My 35 Whelen

3- My pre64 270

4- My father's fwt 30-06

300WSM is looking good...subMOA at 200, just a shade over MOA at 300, hitting 6" low at 300, which will be about dead on at 200, which is what I want. That's using RL17 to move a 180PT at roughly 2900, although my chrono wouldn't read the last time I had it out. Hope to get actual speeds soon, but the trajectory I'm getting matches up rather well with 2900+ for MV. Unless I got some magical partitions, lol, it should be about that speed.

35 Whelen is being a bugger. I think I have to pull it apart and see what's up with the bedding. I redid the bedding this summer, and I think I may have something amiss there. It'll put two shots 1-2" apart at 200 yards, then do 2 more the same, but 10" away. Screams bedding problem to me.

Dad's 06--- you may recall this one has had me bashing my head on the wall for over a year now. It was giving him decent groups, then started coming unglued, and was shooting 2.5" up to extremes of 5" at 100 yards. I put in pillars, bedded it with the barrel floated, and did load development. Last time out, I got 2.7" at 300 with it. That was satisfying. I've got it shooting a 165BT out at 2800-ish.

pre64 270- 2.6" at 300 pushing a 150BT at 2960 with RL22. Chrono speeds were obtained for that one, and they match the observed trajectory. All seems well.

Now, I just have to wait for the season to start! Hope all have been well!
Those are great results. Guess you are good to go other than the Whelen.
Think you're right on the bedding. Another thought might be to see if as the barrel warms up if you're not getting some barrel contact with the stock somewhere along? Obviously check action mount screws and scope mount screws, but I am sure those have already been looked at.
Yep, gonna try retorquing the action screws when I reassemble, but I want to take a peak at the bedding, too.

On the 270 matter....I looked in the bullet tests section, and didn't see any tests on the 150gr BT from the 277's? I may have to change that. :)
Sounds as if things are progressing quite well, Tom. Man, those IT guys can make things rough; don't let them touch your system! :shock: :grin:
Thank you, and yeah, they're pretty shifty. Have to keep an eye out for those sneaky buggers! :shock: :lol:

This will be my first time hunting with a 270 in about 20 years. I was not a fan the first time around, but figured I should give it another honest try.
Sounds pretty good to me. At least you have most of your problems solved good luck with the bedding.
Sweet, hope you test the 150 BT Tom. I'm betting on 5 jugs. Depending on distance shot.

Sounds like all of the rifles are ready to hunt! Can't wait to see some results.
That .35 Whelen just needs to be thumped out behind the barracks. That'll straighten it out! :grin:
I need to have the others give it a stern talking to...lol.

Next session, I want to shoot my 264WM, 30-06, 45-70, and maaaybe the 300H&H. I should have them all still on the mark, except the 300, as I haven't messed with it much since it went into another stock.

Then I have to decide which goes down south to hunt with me next month. 270 and 300WSM are going. Not sure if I will take a 3rd, and if so, which it will be. I can kill three deer total, so may as well take three rifles, right? ;)

My main contenders right now are the pre64 30-06 and the SuperGrade 264. We'll see how they shoot.
Easy choice.
.264 Win Mag
.270 Win
.300 WSM

If you're talking coues deer.

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Although I do think the .300 H & H would be a grand choice too.

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Nah, we're talking South Carolina whitetails. Which, to be fair, aren't far different in size than Coues. :)
Come to think of it, the 300H&H has piled up two bucks so far. The 264 only has a doe to it's credit. 264 it is. Unless it decides to be a bonehead at the range. I don't think it will, but I guess one never knows.
Whitetail? Get yourself a .243 (or the classy cousin, the 6mm Rem) and sell all those cannons! :grin:

A 24....a 2.... a tw.....

Nope. Doesn't work.

Now a 6mm.... I'd be all over that. I was going to take my 257 Bob, but that's now my daughter's to use for the time being. Speaking of which, I have a vid of her first range day I need to post.