US Optics ER-25

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
My first ever FFP rifle scope. Mounted it on my 6.5-47 Lapua for the upcoming 1000 yard shoot.

DF, am a fan of the U.S. Optics scopes.

World class design & construction, made right here in the USA. The few I've used were superb. Just had my paws on another one a few weeks ago. I hope this one serves you well.

Guy, First time I saw a US Optics scope was at a Gunshow way back a couple of years ago. I saw a guy in the US-optics booth pummeled another brand of scope using a US optics scope as a hammer. Tough scope... a bit on the heavy side though. The lens is superbly bright and very clear. The Erik knob is the best there is.
I've heard nothing but good about US Optics, though I've never handled one. I'd truly appreciate your review of the scope, Rommel.
I had one on my SWAT rifle for a six month test some years ago. It was great.
Where is the best deal on a US Optic ? no mistaking which end to look in on this one :mrgreen:
That thing should shoot 1 hole repeatedly i would suspect !!
They do look like they mean business. Looking forward to the report, wondering if we will get to see them north of the 49th?

DrMike":3dcb5d6g said:

How did the 1000 yard shoot go? Or has it happened yet?

It was last Sunday and it did not went well for me. It was so windy that none of the top shooters ever made it to the top ten. I was on the 5th and last relay. By the time I started shooting the wind picked up, gusting from 15 miles to 20 miles an hour... to much for the 130 grain Berger to overcome. Even a great glass from US Optics can't help me. Also, the target puller assigned to me was so slow pulling target which added to my frustration. I can forget about this match and prepare for the final next month.

I'm still learning to use this glass. Switching from MOA to Mil is no big deal. However, I have to pay close attention when dialing the knob. Twice during the competition I over compensated for winds because I was thinking MOA rather than mils. Also, the 58MM glass suck up light like there's no tomorrow. I have to lower the magnification to 20X to minimized mirage. One thing I noticed, my eyes did not fatigue. Unlike my MK4, the glass on the USO is much clearer. I noticed also that I don't have that tunneling effect thats is present on most high magnification scopes. I attribute this to the large ocular lens of the USO. Acquiring target with this scope is a breeze. Overall I'm very please with the scope performance. I just have to get use to it.
For a while now I've resisted using an F-Class type Bi-pod, preferring rather a Harris or Atlas instead. Almost all top shooter in our local competition uses Sinclair F-Class bi-pod. I don't feel like I'm at a disadvantage. But maybe they know something that I don't. So I went and got me one from Phoenix Precision. I will use it on the next competition and see if it will get me over the hump. If not then this will end up in the for sale section.

Tough to hear the report, Rommel. You'll get another chance, though; and that sounds positive. Best of luck when you next shoot.
U.S. Optics scopes are without a doubt the highest quality money can buy. Did you pick it up straight from the factory?
Nice glass DF, the ffp will pay dividens if you decide to venture into the precision rifle matches, your all set up for it now. Top tier glass is money well spent.
So DF, now that you've had your US Optics for awhile what do you think of it? I'm seriously thinking about getting one, an RL-17 3.2-17x44 T-Pal, but I like the S&B PMII 3-20x50 MTC scope as well.

How does it compare to the S&B PMII?
Do you like the click adjustments better then the S&B with the Erek knob? Can you make adjustments by feel and audible without looking at the index lettering on the knob?
Is the windage knob too close to the illumination knob to grasp well enough?
I hear the 3.2-17 does tunnel at its lowest setting, but you can order them from the factory so they wont by making them a 5-17x44. But if that's the case I might as well get the 5-25 if you don't having any tunneling issues?

Let me know what your thoughts are about the scope in general and what you think of it overall.

longrangehunter":109e3ckf said:
So DF, now that you've had your US Optics for awhile what do you think of it? I'm seriously thinking about getting one, an RL-17 3.2-17x44 T-Pal, but I like the S&B PMII 3-20x50 MTC scope as well.

How does it compare to the S&B PMII?
Do you like the click adjustments better then the S&B with the Erek knob? Can you make adjustments by feel and audible without looking at the index lettering on the knob?
Is the windage knob too close to the illumination knob to grasp well enough?
I hear the 3.2-17 does tunnel at its lowest setting, but you can order them from the factory so they wont by making them a 5-17x44. But if that's the case I might as well get the 5-25 if you don't having any tunneling issues?

Let me know what your thoughts are about the scope in general and what you think of it overall.


I've had the pleasure of shooting with a guy a few years ago that has the 3.2-17 USO on his 308 Tactical. He had me shoot a couple of rounds and I was impressed with the scope. I did not experienced the tunneling effect that you described. But maybe because it was set at higher magnification.

The 5-25 I have don't have that problem. I can't do a comparison with S&B since I never own one. I do however have a friend who has the 4-16 PMII I believe. I'll do a side by side comparison next time we go to the range. All I can say is the US Optic clicks is audible enough to be able to count it without looking at the number. I like the Erek a lot too. Just like in my IOR (25MOA/rev), I can have 10 Mil per complete revolution in .10 mil increment... 100 total clicks/revolution. It's so easy to remember because I only have two complete revolution before it bottom out from my 100 meter zero. No need zero stop on this one.

The tracking on the USO is spot on also. I haven't really tried the box test yet but using the dope from Ballistic AE for the 130 grain Berger VLD from my 6.5-47 Lapua at 1040 yards, I was able to hit a 6" steel target on a cold bore shot during practice. Later I scored 245 on a possible 250 points with 10X using again the dope dictated by Ballistic AE at 1K. There's no doubt, the scope tracking is very accurate.

The only thing I don't like about this scope is the weight. Man. this thing is a porky.