Using Google Earth to scout an area

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
Does anyone here use google earth to scout an area? It's an excellent tool for scouting and even measuring distances without leaving your house :)
I have used it for initial scouting. So long as the area is not disintegrated, it works well to suggest areas to explore.
I have done the same. Its a great tool but you still need to walk the area.

Yes I use it as well. It's really good for giving a new hunting buddy an overview of an area before you take him out. And in the process, you will probably learn something about the area yourself.
I do wonder if I paid for the premium edition if I would utilise it enough to justify the expenditure. It is my understanding that shots are updated more frequently and that there are no blurred areas, as is the case in the unpaid edition.
I used it to place my areas in Idaho and found new areas adjacent to them I didn't find by walking. A bunch of trees and hill blocked it. I like it. I have also sent Googlearth pictures and will again to JDMAG of the areas.
I've used it and the MSN Maps version as well I think it is.

It made hunting a new area much more enjoyable and effective with regard to not having to feel like I was always concerned with getting lost or where I was headed.
What I like about it is that, you have a birds eyeview of an area that you can't see by just walking alone. As an example, I took an aerial view of the area that we've hunted for for years. I was amazed how much of an area there are that we haven't explored yet.

Heres' an example. From the ground level - 1600 + yards to the top of the hill


Aerial view. Plotting my 1332 yards practice shot on a tiny rock showing wind direction that affected bullet flight path.


Actual picture of the tiny rock target, the one at the top of 1.5 mil right hashmark through my Leupold MK-4 at 20X Magnification, 1332 yards away


28 degree angle show how steep those hills are

