Vortex Diamondback vs. Leupold VX2


May 4, 2011
Alright everyone -

I have been a Leupold man all my life. To me they have the look and design qualities I NEED in a hunting rifle scope.

I know this is touchy ground but last November I bought a brand new VX2 at a Cabelas store. I mounted the scope on my old .30-06 in Leupold dual dovetail mounts and lapped low rings yet didn't get around to shooting it much until recently.

At first I thought I must be flinching etc. as I was not touching the adjustments at all, yet was seeing frequent fliers and vertical stringing. The barrel is completely free floating.

A friend who also happens to be a Vortex dealer asked me to change scopes to eliminate that as a variable. He claimed that Leupold's erector spring was to blame and that he had seen this time and time again over the years.

I shot a better group over the hood of my truck with an M8-4x than I had earlier that day with a VX2 on 9x from a solid bench rest. We are talking 1.5" versus 3.5" in comparison.

I know that I can return the scope to Leupold and they will fix it for free etc. but I feel a little jaded and frankly pissed off. It's not Leupold's fault necessarily that this happened but for the money I paid, why did it happen? If it is a serious design flaw, why don't they fix that? What if that had happened when a life was on the line?

My friend offered to get me a Vortex Diamondback 3x9x42 for nearly half what I paid for the VX2 last November. But I am leery of switching horses in the middle of the race even though this seems like a great deal. Is the Diamondback as good or better than the VX2? Should I chalk it up to a new employee on Friday afternoon and stay with Leupold?

Any and all input from folks who have used either or both of these products is greatly appreciated.

Thanks -

I do have a Vortex Diamond Back HD 3-12X42mm on my 35 Whelen and it has held up well to the recoil The glass is clear and the adjustment nobs have been precise.
For the money I think they're a good deal.
The leupold shave never let me down! I'd send it back in for a quick warranty check. There are a lot of other factors that can cause fliers and stringing, did you check both scopes on the same rifle? Check for binding in the dual turn rings?

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Nothing "Bad" can be said about the VX2. It is what it is, a good all round hunting scope. As far as the Vortex Diamondback, I have 3 in the HP version. Very pleased with them. I'm not prepeard to say better or worse then a Leupold VX2. I do like the side focus\paralax adj on the side for my old tired eyes when shooting on paper. I get the feeling you have about the VX2 scope and don't blame you for considering a change. I have moved away from Leupold in the last decade, I was/is a Leupold fan since the 70's. I just feel I can get as good / better performance for less $$.
The erector tube spring could well be the culprit. I've had the same problem, once. It is very frustrating.
I hunted with some of the Leupold guys last year. They have new leadership, a clear understanding of how they lost market share and a plan to come roaring back.
Don't loose faith, they are the 30-06, the Nosler Partition of the optics world.

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Well Fellas, the verdict is out! The VX-2 I had on there is defective.

Borrowed another scope from my Father (also a VX-2 3x9x40) and shot the best group I have ever fired out of this rifle yet!

So the faulty VX-2 is going back in for repairs and meanwhile I have purchased the other VX-2 of my Father's from him to use going forward!

Thanks for all the advice!

I got my VX6 back & will be mounting back on my 280AI tomorrow :mrgreen:.
I just can't seem to find a better scope in my opinion there are many that are close but I have always liked my Leupolds.
I will likely switch all may scopes to Leupold eventually (y).
