Vortex PST heading back for Repair / Replacement


Jan 14, 2008
I purchased a Vortex PST 4x16x50 to put on a 243. It is a really nice scope that is spot on for tracking and repeat ability. I checked my drop charts out to 500yds (492) and again all were spot on with multiple shots and yardages.
Problem was at the higher magnification about 12x and above it CAN become cloudy depending on the lighting. I called Vortex CS and they gave me an email with a Fedex shipping label and to send it back to them. I told them it was mounted and whitetail season just started so I would send it back at the end of the month - no problem.
So I'm off to the Fedex depot this morning. I hope they come through with a solution because I also just ordered the 6x24x50 PST for a long range rig I'm putting together. Maybe I should have waited to see how they handled this but I'm wanting to get this long range rifle together so I can start working with it.
A little internet research as turned up a few of the 4x16's having this problem and Vortex made it right but NO Problems that I could find with the 6x24, in fact those with both scopes claim better glass / clarity on the 6x24.
All the repair issues of which I'm aware were handled in timely fashion and to the satisfaction of the customer. I wouldn't expect anything different in your case.
I just ordered a new 6.5x20 x44 mm Viper for my new toy that no one knows about!

They have phenomenal service!
FOTIS":3ke91w5l said:
I just ordered a new 6.5x20 x44 mm Viper for my new toy that no one knows about!

That is just mean to spill the beans partially as you just did. We need some more detail.
Tell you what if you behave Doc I will let the kitty out of the bag :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
FOTIS":1aslozzn said:
Tell you what if you behave Doc I will let the kitty out of the bag :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'm being as good as I can be. :lol:
Hey - Doc hasn't spent anyone else's money...on this thread!
dubyam":2q7pynxp said:
Hey - Doc hasn't spent anyone else's money...on this thread!

I'm sorry, dubyam; I've been feeling a tad puny this past week. I'm getting back to full health, however. How are you set for scopes right now? :mrgreen:
A tad puny???? You just made me buy a BLR in 358 today!
FOTIS":cvwfdujy said:
A tad puny???? You just made me buy a BLR in 358 today!

It's a good thing I wasn't trying to drink a cuppa' tea at this moment or I'd have spit it all over the screen. :mrgreen: