So I have been working up a new load for my 22-250. After shooting six or seven different loads I settled on 33.5 gr. IMR 4895 and 50 gr. BTs. My COAL was 2.455". I have been reading some of the posts from JD338, JDMAG, and several others about adjusting the COAL to "fine tune a load". This got me to thinking.... I can't reach the lands with any bullet I have shot through this rifle without seating it to shallow. So I thought that I do have some room to go a bit longer than the load that I've been using so I gave my seating pin a third of a turn out. My new COAL was 2.467".
I took it to the range durring my lunch yesterday and shot the shorter rounds first. Nothing less than I expected, put five in a little over an inch. I moved targets and started to shoot the longer loads. first two made one ragged hole! I pulled the third one bad :evil: the wind dried out my contact in my shooting eye and when I blinked i didn't let the preasure off the trigger, shot it about an inch and a lalf high and an inch to the right. After shaking that one off I shot another one. It cut the second shot by about half a bullet diamitter. The fifth shot cut that shot by about the same!
Just by doing lengthening my COAL by .012" I srunk my groups from 1.25" to 5/8"! I'm going to go shooting again this evening if the wind isn't blowing to much and try this test again just to make sure it isn't a fluke of some sort. I'm not thinking it is but doesn't hurt to try it again.
I took it to the range durring my lunch yesterday and shot the shorter rounds first. Nothing less than I expected, put five in a little over an inch. I moved targets and started to shoot the longer loads. first two made one ragged hole! I pulled the third one bad :evil: the wind dried out my contact in my shooting eye and when I blinked i didn't let the preasure off the trigger, shot it about an inch and a lalf high and an inch to the right. After shaking that one off I shot another one. It cut the second shot by about half a bullet diamitter. The fifth shot cut that shot by about the same!
Just by doing lengthening my COAL by .012" I srunk my groups from 1.25" to 5/8"! I'm going to go shooting again this evening if the wind isn't blowing to much and try this test again just to make sure it isn't a fluke of some sort. I'm not thinking it is but doesn't hurt to try it again.