What big game rifle has the most notches?

My custom K98 30-06. Many elk and mulies taken with this now retired gun.

Oh man, I like that one! Looks like it's traveled a lot of country... look at the discoloration on the Leupy. Cool boomstick, owenv!

Great looking K98.


That is a great account of your Model 70 Super Grade. Jules Bantchni did some fine work with that stock.
:lol: Speaking of notches brings back memories. When I was a kid I had a Red Rider style BB gun. I almost lived under the cherry trees at my Grandfather's house or one of my cousins house trying to keep the birds from eating them all up. I started cutting a notch in the stock for every bird I killed just like the gun slingers in the movies did. I about whittled that stock down to a toothpick before I had to quit notching it. :lol:

I have a custom Rem sportsman 78 action (poor mans 700 made in the 80s) with a #6 Shilen SS 26" barrel in 25-06 Rem, in a H/S Precision full bed stock with SS BDL trigger guard bottom with a Zeiss 3-12X56 30mm tube scope that is my go to rifle for WT deer hunting. If I notched the stock for every deer it has killed there would be no stock left. I call the rifle "Light Switch" because when you pull the bang switch (trigger) what ever it is aiming at lights go out. BANG FLOP.
A toss up between my Model 700 in 7-08 and My 700 in .338RUM. The 08 has taken more deer than I can remember. For any of the larger game the RUM is unbeatable. Like JD I've taken deer with the .338 and its like letting the air out of a balloon when the bullet strikes.
Most notches, and dear to my hart would have to go to my 303 britt that my dad gave me when I started. It has accounted for 10 plus moose and at least 60 plus deer over the last 30 years. It has been a safe queen for the last 3 years, but will be soon heading back out as my new 7mm-303 Brit.The kids 243 is sure racking up the kills, I better start learning to pull the trigger more on the 257 bee.
big rifle man":1otcieyr said:
A toss up between my Model 700 in 7-08 and My 700 in .338RUM. The 08 has taken more deer than I can remember. For any of the larger game the RUM is unbeatable. Like JD I've taken deer with the .338 and its like letting the air out of a balloon when the bullet strikes.

The 338 RUM's on game performance is a sight to behold. Every animal I have shot with the big 338 has been a DRT kill.

well she's not much to look at but it would be my Rem mod 700 ADL synth. cal 270win with a kiwklip kit and a bass pro shop 3x12x40 scope, i bought this rifle in 95 with my graudation money and it has killed a many whitetail from 45yards out to 300yards and it just loves 130 corlok's but i started to load the 140 nosler ballistic tips in it and it seems to love them just as much.
Thanks, Dr. Mike. I have really enjoyed owning that Model 70 and will passit on to my oldest son, in time.
My go to elk/deer rifle is my Model 70 7 Rem Mag in Boyds grey laminated stock, stainless metal, with BOSS and 4-16 4200 Elite. It is a real tack driver with 160 Partitions. Will put 5 in one ragged hole at 100 and a 5.25" group at 400 yards, which is the furthest I've tested it on paper with fellow member Antelope Sniper a few years ago. My longest shot to date has been 286 yards on a buck maybe 4 years ago. It is the perfect combination for Colorado mountain/plains hunting IMO.

My next favorite is 7mm08 Encore because it is so short and handy but packs a low recoiling punch on deer and predators both. My Encore with the 209x50 barrel has accounted for more deer/elk than all my centerfires combined (even took a turkey with it) believe it or not. My 870 has accounted for some Michigan whitetail, Georgia deer and hogs, including my biggest buck, an 11 point I shot in 2001.

I have had an equal amount of rifles in 30 caliber to include 308, 30-06, and 300 RUM but I have become an even bigger fan of the 7mm for its versatility.
For me it's my Rem 700 30-06. Strictly Whitetail Deer, shot Hornady 180 round nose then 150 Hornady spire points and then onto 150 Ballistic Tips and Accubonds later. All one shot kills. This gun accounts for close to 50 Deer killed.

Switched to 165 Ballistic Tips for this year, anxious to try them.

Thats a great choice Don. I dont know why but I tend to shoot heavy for caliber bullets in all of my guns and my 30-06 is no exception. I have never had a disappointment with 150 grain bullets on deer in any of my 30 cal rifles but I just like having a 165 or 180 grain bullet in my '06 whether its for deer or elk or whatever else I may encounter.

You will not be disappointed with the 165 grain BT on deer. They are a great choice!
Thanks, I always had excellent kills with the 150 Ballistic Tip and Accubonds but just wanted to beef it up a little stepping up to the 165. I had the 150 going 3,000 fps from a 22" barrel. Going that speed, encountering some bone, resulted in dead Deer indeed but the bullet was expending itself more than I wanted. The 165 should prove to more stout. I developed a load the past few months that's averaging close to 2800 fps.

Need I say I'm anxious for Deer Season this year.

I got my first deer with a Ruger .44 carbine and have taken more deer with it than any other gun. Early-on, I had a 1 3/4-5 Redfield scope on it, then took it off because I liked the way it felt without a scope; later I got fed up with not being able to see the front sight in dim light so it's got a 1-4 Redfield scope on it now. Regrettably, the last deer I shot at with that gun didn't come home with me (it was a nice-size buck at about 20 yds., quartering away). I don't recall failing to bring home any other deer I've shot at with that gun, and I'll probably have it with me on opening day of deer season this year.
Browning A-Bolt Composite Stalker in .270 WIN. First rifle I ever bought, only bullets ever sent down the barrel are 130gr NBT.
Most "notches" and my goto gun is my Sako75 Finnlight in a 270WSM. It just seems that if I point that gun it's all over but the packing. Honestly I think it's the fit, it's about 3/4" longer length of pull and has a palm swell so it's very similar to my Skeet gun. The 270WSM w/ 140AB or 150PT will handle any Deer or Elk in our neck of the woods.

I've been playing with a 243 that I put together and it looks like I might be carrying that one around (except Elk) so it will be on it's way to be "THE" gun of my choice.