What's your opinion about the presidents speech to our kids?


Aug 15, 2006
I moved this from "Off topic" to here due to the nature of the subject.
Sorry for the mistake.

Should we allow our children to watch the Presidents speech to school children today?
My son is in Junior high and has the option to step out if he doesn't want to watch. I feel he is probably old enough to form his own opinions.
I am waiting on my daughter's second grade teacher to call me back as the decision to show the speech has been left up to her.
At 7 years old, I don't feel that she should be subjected to something I have not had the privilege to monitor first. If her teacher is going to show this, I will probably take her out of school today.
What are your opinions?
The superindendent of our school district is not allowing it to be shown since it will disrupt the already set cirriculum. It is also the first day of school here, so that certainly has some impact. He also said that the school board will review the speach to see if it fits the district's agenda. This is coming from a guy who is highly intelligent, conservative, and who home-schooled his children until he got this position.

With that aside, the timing alone makes me agree with not showing the speech. Also, the only students attending high-school today are the incoming freshmen. All others start classes tomorrow. This is the President of the United States addressing our school children specifically. That alone should hold some merit regardless of one's political views. For me, the issue lies deeper than the speech and how it is delivered. My issues lie with the schools and the teachers themselves. After the stuents view the speech, what will the discussion consist of after the conclusion. Will the students be able to openly express their thoughts and feelings, or will they be steered to the left, or right, by a closed-minded instructor?

I agree with you on pulling your young one out of class. That is not the age to show and discuss politics of such a specific topic. Children are too easily influenced at that age and should resource to history books for political education.

It would be far more interesting if parents were to attend classes after the speech to view what lessons are taught or what is actually discussed. I see this as a great opportunity to reveal to our students if they are actually being taught what to think or being taught to think.

This is being turned into a much bigger issue than it needs to be. Just listen to the fear and hate from the right-wingers before anything has even happened. Comparing this to Hitler! Come on idiots, it's no wonder we can't keep a decent Republican in office anymore.
Thank you for your reply. I agree with your statements.
After having heard the speech, I don't feel it was as disturbing as originally forecast. I do how ever believe it was altered due to pressure from the media.
My daughters teacher called and said she wouldn't be showing the speech as it was not her position to be teaching politics to our kids regardless of age or political opinions. I salute her for this stand. The superintendent of our school district had the opportunity to view the speech and form his opinion as to whether or not to let it be viewed, and as did I, came to the conclusion that it would not be harmful or politically biased. However I didn't have this privilege and am grateful for his honest decision.
I will have a discussion with my son this evening as to his opinion of the speech and find out what the discussion at school was afterwords.
Thanks again for your insight and thoughts on this matter. :grin:
My girls are out of public schools and now in college. If they were still in school, I would raise holly hell with the school district if they were going to allow BO to be televised. The dictatorship/brain washing is starting!
I have heard that the networks are not too happy these days because of the number of "speeches" that have taken place. They are loosing money every time BO tries a different spin to "convince us" that he is right.

B. Hussein Obama seeks to create a new personality cult. His advisers are using him as a tool to move the nation leftward. The argument that George H. W. Bush spoke to children is disingenuous as the Democratic congress initiated investigations of the WH following that speech. Will they do they same now?
I read the speech and it in itself is not too bad. But, the fawning press and education support make me believe that we should have a separation of school and state. (just a bit tongue in cheek). But, Obama is quite dangerous, and this is yet another time to address the local school board, and call them on their stances. I have never been this politically active in my life... But, fighting Obama is a fight with fighting.
It was not shown in my daughters school. That was fine with me. I did not realize that GH Bush and other presidents had done so. In all honesty, I dont trust the current president to stick to what we should be teaching our children and not some political agenda. I would have been more trusting of Bush (and yes that is biased). My problem with Obama (one of many- to say nothing for his back door politics, and quazi socialist behavior) is that he is preaching a rehtoric of "entitlement" rather than self work and personal responsibility. That sums up most of my feelings about him. As far as it goes, any president preaching to my kids in school smacks of indoctrination. I will never go along w/ that. I will allow that the president has the right and responsibility to speak to the people, let him do it in prime time on TV where we can watch as a family and I will tolerate it or turn it off. Interestingly enough my 17 year -old feels the same way. Good kid- hope and pray she can keep her head on srtaight. CL