whitetail buck pic


Nov 17, 2005
I shot this whitetail during oregons rifle season. Range was 440 yards. Bullet used was the 125g ULD RBBT @ 2960 fps. He greenscored 145" Should put him around the 40th biggest whitetail in Oregon. I was very happy with it. Biggest whitetail I have ever even seen, I had to double check and make sure what I was looking at to make sure it wasn't a muley!

Nice Buck! Did you like the performance of the 125? We used that bullet
last fall to take 6 Antelope, 3 Mule Deer & 1 Whitetail. I am not sure yet about Big Deer up close, otherwise I liked what I saw.
Nice buck Remmy man! :shock:

I too would be proud!
Good looking whitetail, and a real nice job of shooting - cleanly taking a buck at a quarter mile is quite a feat of marksmanship!

We need to get you shooting some NRA highpower matches...

Congratulations, Guy
Nice whitetail, to bad his g4's aren't bigger. I shot a similar whitetail this year, he scored 156 3/8. Had 22+ inside spread,g2's and g3's were over 10.5,but his g4's were 3 and 1! Screwed everything up with those short g4's! Nice buck all around though.