Although we liked different rifles and calibers and accumulated more than we ever needed, we always bought a rifle to hunt with. I am sure many of you will say both, but when you decide to buy a new rifle or build one is it for a specific hunt or more because you enjoy building a rifle, having a large variety of rifles, shooting them at the range, and playing with a variety of loads, etc. I could be wrong, but from reading here, it seems far more people are into the specifics of the rifle, bullet, etc than hunting with them. We probably hunted a minimum of once every month, somewhere, something, maybe just birds, rabbits, even squirrels, and pasture poodles. Admittedly we lived in the country, in the west, owned our own business which gave us flexible hours and it was definitely easier and cheaper to hunt thirty years ago. But I think I would have labeled us as hunting nuts not rifle nuts lol