

Sorry to be late to the party, been busy running around in circles chasing my tail................................

I really like the idea of the 6.5 and the 9.3x62 in the Blaser. Two old and great rounds in one classic rifle. Nuff said about that.

You know I am the fan boy of the .270 winchester using the 130 grain bullets. That was until you mentioned the short barrel. You can still get a decent amount of steam out of a 22.4" barrel but, it ain't right???

You've got big handled with the 9.3x62 and with what the 6.5 can't do that .257 wby can. Looks like the middle of the line up is well represented. And for something that will reach way out there that .257 Roy does that quite well too. Since the sako does not do justice to God's caliber and you have no holes in the long range deer sized department, I'd consider stepping way down for the Sako. Maybe a 22.250? A few others have mentioned this cartridge and it would be fantastic for varmints. That and it would be a blast to shoot!
Dr Mike, aaaaggggghhhhhh I hate old age. I have the 257 Weatherby, which she uses, Her Weatherby is a 7mm-08. Geez!

So ---- Since she has a 7mm-08, I think at this time I will just get her the Blaser 6.5 and 9.3 x 62 to travel with, and if I get a Sako for her it will be the 30-06, and as has been suggested I will give her my 243, 257 and 375 H & H and call it good. We would be a little cluttered in the low middle but whatever.

243 Winchester
257 Weatherby
6.5 Swede
7mm-08 Weatherby
9.3 x 62
375H & H

I really want to get the the Blaser for her as that would be an excellent combo in an excellent package for when she travels later in life. And I really fell in love with the Sako Carbonlight, it is a really nice handling rifle. I wanted to get the shorter package which would not be possible in the 30-06, so the Sako will need to be revisited before anything is purchased

Charles, I am aware of what you are going through in life at the moment and you are truly living the old saying " when it rains it pours" right now. Hang in there my friend. And give my best to your wife as well, boy did you marry a good woman or what!

Ken, what part of "buying off the shelf" do you not understand LOL seriously that is a nice looking rifle, but not something she she capable of putting together--yet !

The Carbonlight in the 223 for very small game to coyotes would be light, handy and easy to find ammo for. She would have the 243 or 257 and even the 6.5 for deer and antelope. The 22-250 would work for longer range coyotes, but is harder on pelts at closer ranges. Is pelt damage a consideration?
Good Morning Gil and thank you

Actually that is a very good idea as the 223 comes in the "xs" and I bet she would really enjoy shooting that rifle, as it is even a bit shorter. She could hunt whistle pigs for hours as well as coyotes. My concern and earlier thought of the 30-06 was to fill in the gap between the 9.3 x 62 and 7mm-08, and we still will have the clutter of calibers--243, 257, 6,5 and 7mm-08. I want her to have her grandmothers favorite caliber the 6.5 and she loves the 7mm-08, so since the 243 and 257 are actually mine I could sell one of them and get the 30-06, that would help eliminate the clutter and fill in the space between the 7mm-08 and the 9.3 x 62

This is probably more than you wanted to know but it is what I woke up thinking and then saw your post, which is an excellent suggestion.

The pelts are not a consideration. They eliminate coyotes in their fields simply so they do not lose chickens, ducks, and turkeys.
Blkram":2qwhmjkn said:

The Carbonlight in the 223 for very small game to coyotes would be light, handy and easy to find ammo for. She would have the 243 or 257 and even the 6.5 for deer and antelope. The 22-250 would work for longer range coyotes, but is harder on pelts at closer ranges. Is pelt damage a consideration?

A 223 is a great cartridge, fun to shoot and ammo is also very inexpensive. Great thread, April.
Europe":37azzt5b said:
Good Morning Gil and thank you

Actually that is a very good idea as the 223 comes in the "xs" and I bet she would really enjoy shooting that rifle, as it is even a bit shorter. She could hunt whistle pigs for hours as well as coyotes. My concern and earlier thought of the 30-06 was to fill in the gap between the 9.3 x 62 and 7mm-08, and we still will have the clutter of calibers--243, 257, 6,5 and 7mm-08. I want her to have her grandmothers favorite caliber the 6.5 and she loves the 7mm-08, so since the 243 and 257 are actually mine I could sell one of them and get the 30-06, that would help eliminate the clutter and fill in the space between the 7mm-08 and the 9.3 x 62

This is probably more than you wanted to know but it is what I woke up thinking and then saw your post, which is an excellent suggestion.

The pelts are not a consideration. They eliminate coyotes in their fields simply so they do not lose chickens, ducks, and turkeys.

I also agree with Gil and Allen, the 223 in the Sako Carbonlite would be an excellent choice. I would sell the 243 ( you said you would sell the 243 or 257 to get the 30-06 )) and she would have

6.5 x 55
9.3 x 62
375 H & H

What could one not hunt with that line up ?

Charles, I would also like to send my prayers and best wishes to your family