Winchester Model 70 safety


Oct 11, 2006
What would cause a Model 70 safety to be sticky or hard to put on safe? I've oiled it but that may not be the issues has not seemed to help any.

C.Smith":1lawjqt9 said:
What would cause a Model 70 safety to be sticky or hard to put on safe? I've oiled it but that may not be the issues has not seemed to help any.

Corey rides over a detent ball on a spring, dirt or obstruction under the safety arm or in the detent channel, bent detent spring...
Sometimes that detent spring will clog up with grit and not compress all the way.
Do you guys have any suggestions on how to clean it out? Would a gun scrubber spray work maybe?
When put on safe, the safety cams back the striker assembly a small amount. There is a cam surface on the shaft of the safety, as well as a cam surface on the striker. If the tolerances are not just right, the safety will be difficult to put on safe. The safety/striker assembly should be disassembled and with some delicate work with India stones to bring the camming surfaces more in alignment, you will be good to go. Model 70 striker assemblies can be difficult to take apart, so I'd recommend this small job to a competent gunsmith.
I've had a couple of M70s do that with the safety. I usually just very slightly lift the bolt handle and usually the safety will slide where you want it. Might not be the best fix but it's worked for me so far.
Paul B.
Gunscrubber spray?

Yep!!, Get in their with the little extension, and spray the heck out of it!! But the extension right against the ball, and spray the heck out of it, while pushing it in and out.

Works for me.