Working with the .358


Nov 8, 2006
At the range yesterday, I also did some work with my .358 Hawkeye. I was focused on 200 grain bullets. It was my first chance to work with Hornady 200 grain FTX bullets. My first efforts were not exciting at all. Previously, I had worked up several loads in one of my .356s, but all the groups were 2.5 inches or more, so I backed off, pleased that I have some excellent loads with the 220 grain Speer FN and the 250 grain Kodiak FN for that rifle. However, I was left with three boxes of the 200 grain FTX bullets. So, I worked up several loads for my Hawkeye. The first groups were less than stellar. However, as the day progressed, I found some loads that show promise and will merit further exploration.

One load that shows great promise uses IMR3031 to yield a maximum velocity of 2610 +/- 19 fps. At a lower charge weight, the group was ~1/2 inch, and velocity was 2561. I'll be working up more of this load to verify the results.


I also had a couple of good results with A2495 and the 200 grain FTX at good velocities with the rifle.


One load that bears closer examination used a 200 grain Sierra RN and TAC. The velocity was ~2700 fps, which would do a fine job on deer and black bear.


Currently, I'm carrying around a load of 200 grain Barnes TSX and H335, which gives a velocity of ~2500 fps and sub MOA groups. There are other options, I'm seeing here.

Nosler, a 200 grain AB would sure be a welcome addition to your line-up of fine bullets. I've had good groups with 225 grain PT, but velocities are a bit low, and so I'm gravitating toward the 200 grain bullet for this rifle.
I'll certainly play with the 200 grain FTX and IMR3031. Hopefully, while I'm carrying the Hawkeye I'll get a poke at a bear this Fall, and perhaps a deer in November. If so, I'll be able to give a report on observed performance of the bullet. Though I saw quite a few bears this spring, I didn't have opportunity to take one, so it is wait until Fall.
Forgot to mention I've killed many bears and wild boar with the .358. It really smacks em' down.