
Dec 6, 2004
I went into Gander Mountain today to buy a Savage M/L. They didn't have any so I got quickly distracted by a Tikka in 243 WSSM. I heard some good things about it but haven't looked at them too close. I was curious about it so I walked over to the ammo shelf and took a look at the round. WOW, what a short fat little bastard that is! Looks kinda like what I see in the mirror every morning. :shock: Anyway, I was wondering about other peoples experiences with this round and the 25 WSSM. Kind of reminds me of the BR cartridges. How do they stack up against the .243 Win., 6mm Rem., and the 25-06?

As always thanks in advance,
243 wssm is more then a 243 win, however its still no 25-06. the 25 wssm is still no 25-06 when handloaded with heavier bullets. the 243 wssm shows good numbers, but in the real world that short fat sucker has some problems. the good old 243 win will still kill any varmint or deer just as well as the wssm version. If you really want a step up in a noticalbe power difference, get a 25-06. By the way, those tikkas are accurate. I only worked up 2 loads in my dads 7 mag before the 2nd load shot a .45" 4 shot group. Didn't take to long! They guarantee 1 MOA. With handloads .5moa is easily achievable.
remingtonman, what kind of problems do you see in the wssm, i have a 243 and wouldn't give it,do you have a wssm?or just hear say somebody with a bad thing wines more than somebody with a good thing will talk
I personally do not own a wssm. I just have been reading quite a bit on there accuracy issues and some feeding problems. I have read more bad then good about them from those issues is all I was meaning by it. Just trying to save him some hassle and go with a good standby, the 25-06. More power then any of the cartridges he listed, and is not fussy with anythign you load for it, and has no feeding problems.
There is an old saying 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease'. In other words, you tend to only hear about negative things. So I will defend the WSSM family. I have gotten great groups out of a 'straight out of the box' Win 70 Super Shadow 243 WSSM, with factory ammo. I have since gone to handloads and installed and bedded a laminated stock. What a gr8 cartridge - the factory 55 grain load leaves the muzzle at over 4000 fps and is deadly on prarie dogs 350 yards away - and the factory 95 grain load will knock down an antelope (for good) at 212 yards. Granted, its too light for big mule deer and elk. Its now my favorite varmint rig and backs up my 270 WSM for antelope.
I'm still tinkering with my 223 WSSM but I think it will eventually shoot great groups AND push a 50 grain bullet out the barrel over 4000 fps.