Wyoming Weatherby!

Fotis...... That job has your name written all of it! And besides, maybe the guy that did it doesn't care to move?

BTW Years ago when Weatherby brought out the 30-378 I knew the guy doing the load data work, and he lived in Sturgis, SD........ and the owner of Superior Ammunition. I used to know him well since he was from Michigan, even went to his home in Sturgis when passing through.

So Fotis, that's reason enough to get the job, and you're already capable and "in the area". I think you'd be perfectly happy at that job too!
And Fotis will save a lot of money just in shipping charges alone! (y)

I never understood why that stayed in that state for so long , it’s good for them to get out.

Maybe if I buy as many as Fotis they would move to my backyard :lol: