Your plans for this falls hunts


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
Now that a lot of results are out for draws in various States and Provinces what are your plans for this fall?

I received grizzly and antlerless elk draws for this fall which changed some of my plans. No August sheep or goat hunts this year but things will pick up nicely in September. September long weekend will see me (and possibly another friend with the same draw) out in the high clearcuts looking for grizzly as they feed on blueberries. Next up from Sept 11-17 will be our goat/grizz hunt in the alpine so will be my second chance at tagging a bear, others will have goat tags. If I still don't have a bear by the end of September we will go into a creek that has spawning salmon which will be fun/scary :shock:. From October-mid November will be devoted to guys that still would like to harvest a goat. Lastly the antlerless elk season will be open from Dec-1 to Feb 28 so some time during this period my friend and I will make the 10-12 hr drive to DrMike's country :grin:
Well I didn't draw much so I'm going to spend alot of time hunting with my friends that did! I got a good friend, a good gal friend, and my wife all have a chance to get their first elk. Hope I don't lead them astray to bad :lol: .

Then I think My brother in-law and I are going to Idaho to try our luck on a white tail. I have to shoot something with horns somewhere :?
Of course, come on over for an elk. There are plenty around. It can be a little like shopping for bald elk at times. There are a lot of farms eager for people to take elk off their hay. I've counted up to 200 elk at a time coming into the farms. They can surely destroy a farmer in a hurry.
Gerry - so you're after grizzly and elk this season? Somehow I'm having a really tough time feeling any sympathy here... :grin:

Congrats on drawing those tags! Awesome stuff. Looking forward to reading your hunt reports and seeing the photos!

Looks like I'm staying here in Washington this season, which is fine. Didn't draw a doggone thing, but I can still hunt deer (whitetail, mule deer and even blacktail), elk and bear with over-the-counter tags I'm already holding. No problem.

Best of luck to all the hunters!

Guy Miner":3miteohm said:
Gerry - so you're after grizzly and elk this season? Somehow I'm having a really tough time feeling any sympathy here... :grin:

Congrats on drawing those tags! Awesome stuff. Looking forward to reading your hunt reports and seeing the photos!

Looks like I'm staying here in Washington this season, which is fine. Didn't draw a doggone thing, but I can still hunt deer (whitetail, mule deer and even blacktail), elk and bear with over-the-counter tags I'm already holding. No problem.

Best of luck to all the hunters!


If it sounded like I'm complaining about "only" hunting grizzly, goat and elk I'm not, I am really thrilled about it :)

Good luck to you and all the other guys on the Nosler forum this fall.

I drew goat in your area, so I need to touch base and get some input from you. I hope to tag out on early season moose (August 15th?) and tag an elk in September. I may be hunting elk in Alberta in October and November. For sure I'll be hunting whitetail and mule deer here in November. Throughout September and October, I'll be looking for black bear as they prepare to den up. I've booked off time to give myself opportunity to be afield this fall. Now, to see that it happens.
I am headed to Oregon to hunt Spike Elk with Brian and Bill. Then probably do some more hunting with Brian down in his area, if he lets me into camp! I would also like to head North and hunt deer up in Minnesota with Joel and see what the big North woods are like. Should be a great year I think. Might even get a chance to chase mountain lions this Winter, which would be excellent as well. Scotty
Mule Deer in New Mexico is the only adventure this year. Might get a chance to do some whitetail around the homestead.
Scotty, are you going to run lions with hounds? I would love to do that with a good bluetick or two!
DrMike":ububa9f5 said:

I drew goat in your area, so I need to touch base and get some input from you. I hope to tag out on early season moose (August 15th?) and tag an elk in September. I may be hunting elk in Alberta in October and November. For sure I'll be hunting whitetail and mule deer here in November. Throughout September and October, I'll be looking for black bear as they prepare to den up. I've booked off time to give myself opportunity to be afield this fall. Now, to see that it happens.

I will pm you soon DrMike.
So far 2 goat tags and a bull elk if I go General. Same for my boy. Deer are over the counter tags.
YoteSmoker":1m1l6ad1 said:
Scotty, are you going to run lions with hounds? I would love to do that with a good bluetick or two!

YS, yeah, my buddy in Idaho has cat hounds. I haven't lions yet with him, but we have plans to pack light with rucksacks and just put the dogs out and follow them. It is kinda going to be a "tough" hunt to see how well we can do it. Wanna try to do it old school with snowshoes and such. Scotty
Well, no antelope or elk tags AGAIN this year. :x Been here 34 years now and have not drawn a tag yet for antelope. Been 7 years now since I drew a tag for elk, either with or without horns. It's been 4 years since I drew for deer and it'll be a while yer before I know if I draw. In 2009 I did a play for pay antelope hunt and in 2010 I did a play for pay cow elk hunt. If it weren't for those I would not have hunted at all.
There is a Texas ranch that does a fill you freezer hunt where you take two cull deer and all the pigs you want so if I don't draw, that'll be my back up plan, if they haven't been fully booked.
Paul B.
Mule deer in Idaho around Challis and a wolf somewhere around the Challis-Stanley area. California was a no draw again. The best chance to get a California deer seems to be to drive up and down the highway. You won't need a tag just the cost of a grill, windshield and bumper.The deer don't come out of the 100 degree heat to rut until November. That's a month after the seasons end and the massive amount of road kill and wrecks are a dead memorial to Fish and Game's mis-guided efforts at protecting the deer from the hunters. :roll:
Man, that is ashame Ca is so misguided in their hunting/wildlife efforts. Seems like with a little forethought, Ca would be one awesome place to hunt. While on Camp Pendleton, we had some excellent muley hunting and they seemed to take good care of them. Too bad, hopefully someday they will get the point, but I can't see it happening very fast. Scotty
I drew my third and last elk permit hunt last week in Idaho. So I hunt in Wyoming with a couple of young men I have known for several years. NE, Oregon with Scotty and Brian, and a late season cow hunt in SE Idaho by my self. May (if I ever get off of the fire line) do some early season archery in Wa but will probably spend that time scouting in NE oregon. Deer will be in my back yard, can't beat the percentage's there. Going to be another great season. :grin: :grin:
Bill, I am pretty sure it is going to be an excellent hunt! I know I am about as excited as I can be! Scotty
Well guys, I'd like to tell you that my buddy and I are all set to go but a severe monkey wrench was thrown into the works. We've been hunting Northwest Colorado in the area of Oak Creek for 8
years. The property is a trespass fee and you hunt on your own. 4000 acres, a lot of Elk and beautiful country. The property had been for sale the last three years but due to the terrain was basically not set up for building anything. We always figured a person or persons would by it for a hunting camp. Well, we have our licenses (all 560.00 worth) our motel reservations and all other necessities. Last week we found out that an oil company from Texas bought the land. Talking with the property manager everything is now up in the air on our hunt. If they start drilling this summer we will have to share the property with well pads and traffic, thats if we are able to hunt at all. The property manager is hustling, trying to find another piece of land for us to use in our unit which, is small in size compared to other Colorado units. To be honest, this totally sucks. We've had such good luck with Elk in this area that its definitely a downer to have to move. BLM (public land) in this area is practically non-existent so the challenges are huge.
PM me your GMU and I'll see if it is one I know and if so I'll be happy to tell you what I know about it. I'm hunting a couple hours east, so no worries. If it is the same area, I know where there is turkey, bear, deer and elk on little public land and a hunting ranch that is adjacent to a small tract of public. Sorry to hear your hunt may possibly be ruined. The DOW will switch limited licenses with you up until the season begins...there is info on their website that might give you an alternative.
Thanks Yotesmoker, I'm not the greatest computer person so if you could send any information to me at I would appreciate it. We're in unit 131and thats probably the smallest unit in the state. It's good to know that Colorado DOW will make an effort to help you out.