Zeiss Conquest 3-9 x 40 Reviews?

300WSM":11609yw3 said:
They are a decent scope and I don't have anything bad to say about them but......

I will say this much...IMO go compare them along with Redfield, Leupold, Burris etc etc and judge for yourself.

Make sure you do this power to power where all scopes are on 3 or 5 or whatever just the same power.

I just went through this and I can tell you that out of 4 scopes the Zeiss did not make the top two.

It wasn't just one bad one. It was 2 of each model to be sure on the quality control. They were all decent scopes and could service well but there was a difference when looking at them rapidly.

This is better undertaken in controlled light conditions with natural light and at twilight. Then is when, along with the US Air Force contrast and resolution measurement boards, actual differences can be quantified.
dubyam":35zrvk6l said:
300WSM":35zrvk6l said:
They are a decent scope and I don't have anything bad to say about them but......

I will say this much...IMO go compare them along with Redfield, Leupold, Burris etc etc and judge for yourself.

Make sure you do this power to power where all scopes are on 3 or 5 or whatever just the same power.

I just went through this and I can tell you that out of 4 scopes the Zeiss did not make the top two.

It wasn't just one bad one. It was 2 of each model to be sure on the quality control. They were all decent scopes and could service well but there was a difference when looking at them rapidly.

This is precisely why I tell people to test scopes with their own eyes. I have no doubt that 300WSM's eyes told him the right story for his situation. I can tell you, though, that my experience has been remarkably different, in that my Conquest is one of the brightest, clearest, best scopes I own. And that's compared to one remaining Leupold that my dad bought and I'll keep on his rifle until I hand that down to one of my kids, and several good quality scopes from Burris, Pentax, and Bushnell. The only scope I have that might best the Conquest is the new Minox sitting on the shelf. Once I get it mounted, it and the Conquest will end up outside at dusk for some comparisons. Should be interesting.

Yes yes yes and more yes. Once you get to a certain level of scope it really is a matter of one's personal vision feedback.
The most challenging thing for some folks is actually looking through them on the equal plane and not distorting your selection (eyes) with reputation.
Its sad but true that some people even while looking to do a comparison already have the mind made up.
I have a Burris that rivals any scope including those from Europe. Does that mean Burris is the all mighty scope? No way. But that particular scope to me and its application is a champ. I have scopes from several makers and they all shine.

One hundred and ten percent this means the eye is in the beholder.
I am an equal opportunity scope user as well but I still wish that I had bought (8) Kahles one inch scopes whern they were $500-600. That will never come my way again and they are every bit a good as a Swarovski Z3 for 40% of the money. I have scopes ranging from a 25 year old Redfirld (Denver) Illuminator to a Diavari V and everthing in between. I still think that Conquest is the best buy out there although i have had several people tell me that they only work at noon on sunny days but I only own (4) of them between me and my sons. I only hope and pray that at my advanced age and depth of poverty, that these good scopes (Swarosvki, Zeiss Diavari, Kahleset et al) last as long as I do and are still serviceable when I breathe my last which most likely will not be a long wait.
Old Trader, you are on the money with the older Kahles scopes. I've got a 1" 3X9 Kahles sitting on top of my Kimber Montana in .300WSM and I have only good things to say about it. My 1.5X6 Zeiss Diavari is on my .338RUM and I have not been able to find a better scope. On another note my buddy has a pair of Swarovski 8.5X44 binnoculars that he put up against my Leica 10X40's which are roughly 8 years old. We looked through both sets of glass and he came away saying mine were brighter than his. I can honestly say mine actually looked sharper than his. Go figure :lol:
big rifle man":2zpntzo7 said:
Old Trader, you are on the money with the older Kahles scopes. I've got a 1" 3X9 Kahles sitting on top of my Kimber Montana in .300WSM and I have only good things to say about it. My 1.5X6 Zeiss Diavari is on my .338RUM and I have not been able to find a better scope. On another note my buddy has a pair of Swarovski 8.5X44 binnoculars that he put up against my Leica 10X40's which are roughly 8 years old. We looked through both sets of glass and he came away saying mine were brighter than his. I can honestly say mine actually looked sharper than his. Go figure :lol:

I wouldn't be ashamed to use any of the Zeiss, Leica or Swarovski binos. They are like massaging your retinas with little soft fingers while looking through the finest glass!
Oldtrader3":2seabed4 said:
I am an equal opportunity scope user as well but I still wish that I had bought (8) Kahles one inch scopes whern they were $500-600. That will never come my way again and they are every bit a good as a Swarovski Z3 for 40% of the money. I have scopes ranging from a 25 year old Redfirld (Denver) Illuminator to a Diavari V and everthing in between. I still think that Conquest is the best buy out there although i have had several people tell me that they only work at noon on sunny days but I only own (4) of them between me and my sons. I only hope and pray that at my advanced age and depth of poverty, that these good scopes (Swarosvki, Zeiss Diavari, Kahleset et al) last as long as I do and are still serviceable when I breathe my last which most likely will not be a long wait.

charlie, we didnt get eight, but we got three of them and glad we did ( Kahles ) great scopes, at a good price. Like oldtrader and alaska, we are also an equal opportunity scope user.

Dr. Mike, Scotty, earlier today is an example of why I dont like to post reviews. Statements were made, someone disagrees, and feeling got hurt and a post deleted, with a short comment. I feel both fellows had the right to express their opinion, especially since no personal "shots" were taken by either party, as I have seen happen on other forums.
I have been asked to delete my post that I made earlier today and I will. I am still not sure if it was a problem because I liked some leupold products or disliked some leupold products. Also the fact we like and use Schmidt and Bender is a problem.

Since I am new to the forum, I will respect the request to delete the post as it was not my intention then or now to create a problem. I apologize
Sean/Aleena, I am not sure what happened or why a post was deleted. It would be the first time I have seen it happen. I do agree that posting results can be argued a little, but I haven't seen posts deleted over it, here at least. I hope it doesn't sour you from the rest of the forum.. I am kinda surprised by this.
I'm with Scotty. Never seen a post deleted here (that I can recall) so I hope it doesn't cause a domino effect. We're all grown ups here most all the time. Wish I knew what happened.

I'm as mystified as Scotty. I know nothing about the deletion of a post. Yes, people hold opinions, and on occasion they become quite heated in advancing their particular point of view. In general, however, so long as people don't degenerate into personal attack, people retreat and cool down and in turn learn from one another.


I have no idea of what happened. I am astounded. I confess that I haven't been following the various threads very closely during the past several days due to a busy work schedule.
DrMike":t8fb2gog said:

I'm as mystified as Scotty. I know nothing about the deletion of a post. Yes, people hold opinions, and on occasion they become quite heated in advancing their particular point of view. In general, however, so long as people don't degenerate into personal attack, people retreat and cool down and in turn learn from one another.


I have no idea of what happened. I am astounded. I confess that I haven't been following the various threads very closely during the past several days due to a busy work schedule.

I knew I wasn't crazy! I would like to know what happened?
Whoa, dramatic! Deleting?

I have (2) Kahles: a 3-9x42 (on my .338 Federal) like DrMike and others and a 3.5-10x50 (on my .340 Bee). I am just happy that I was able to get both of these. I just wish that I had bought about (6) more.
Okay - since we're all coming clean, I'll bring the truth out. Everybody who's anybody knows that the reason there's two T's in Schott glass is that the second T stands for Tasco. Next time you get a chance, compare your Zeiss Conquest or Minox ZA3/5 with a Tasco World Class Plus. You'll soon see what the plus is all about. Beyond that, there's just no reason to pay more than $49.95 for a rifle scope. Anybody who tells you otherwise is drinking Red(field) koolaid brewed in Oregon, delivered by a guy named Lew. Lew Pold.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I really like the 3-9x40 Conquest I have on my 7mm RM and have been more than pleased with the performance. If the price hadn't been bumped up, I'd likely have gotten another. As it was, I ended up getting the VX-R. The glass was comparable and for another $100 bucks I ended up with a 30mm tube, 4-12x and an illuminated reticle.

In this price range, there are just so many good options these days. It's almost hard to go wrong unless it says "made in china".

Then again, I just rescoped a rifle for my brother in law and given his budget (Under 300), went with a Chinese made Nikon Prostaff. It's a great piece of glass for that price, I'll just be curious to see how it holds up.
Wow....I haven't been paying enough attention to the Nosler forum for a few months.....interesting stuff on this thread, to see the least.

And who let the Schutte guy in? Cripes, they'll let ANYONE in this place if he got in here...

Obviously, the moderators lowered the standard. It started with a certain Marine who shall remain unnamed (I wouldn't want to hurt Scotty's feelings). Bottom line is that the Conquest is a good scope. It has raised the standard for what is expected of mid-range priced scopes. Though the price has gone up recently, it served to start the ball rolling with what can only benefit all who shoot and rely on glass for their shots.