Zeiss Duralyt… tube length?



Does anyone have a scope they can measure or know of a published source for the tube length of a Zeiss Duralyt?

I'm looking very hard at one for my Kimber 8400 '06. It has a very long magnum receiver and measures ring to ring just a smidge over 5.6".

I can go to extension bases but I dislike them immensely and would likely try something else.
Thanks for the quick response.

I saw the OAL published… was hoping more for the length of the main tube after the ocular bell and power ring and before the objective bell. Sort of a max ring spacing figure.
I realised what you were seeking. Unfortunately, they don't give those dimensions. Perhaps someone who has purchased one will shortly give us a measurement, however.
Does MidwaysUSA list it? They seem like they put most of the info out for the scopes they sell.