

Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
What do you guys use for gutting skinning etc?

Looking for something very good.
I haven't used it yet, but I bought a Havalon Piranha this summer to use. There are a few guys on here that love them.

For the last couple of years a small custom 3 inch blade has been in my pack.

Before that a 1970's Case skinner did all my work.
I have the havalon. Great for skinning but for cutting small bones
Having had a "knife guru" as a friend for a while I pay a lot more attention to the type of steel than I used to. This year I picked up a couple with SV30 steel which I hope to test in the next couple of months. I would look into the type of steel first based on your preference of edge holding, etc. and then choose a knife based on that.
I have several Havalon Pirantas and several Swingblades. They are invaluable for skinning and gutting.
I use my EDC knife made by Eric Fritz.
I have a larger mate to this one, same blade design only larger, for larger critters.

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FOTIS":182kz7dl said:
I have the havalon. Great for skinning but for cutting small bones

I have gone to the gutless method of taking care of game in the field and the Havalon Piranha has worked like a charm.
For a sheaf knife I have always used a Case XX stainless hollow ground knife because I could get them razor sharp and they would hold the edge. I could split the H bone on a White tail with one very easily. Here of lately I've been using a Buck Prince lock back folder, here again a hollow ground stainless blade that gets very sharp and holds an edge.
I also like the small camp axe for bones or a hack saw but you will enjoy the link above and Pirhanna also has a saw blade model if ya check thier page, i am a BUCK fan and have used or maybe abused a few of them using them as axes at times! Lifetime warranty :lol:
Fotis there is a new largerhavalon that you can get with a bone saw too called a barracuda. That said I have disassembled a couple moose, four caribou, and three black bears with my piranta and never wanted for more!

What bones are you cutting with a knife? I find a fold up Wyoming saw works best for bone work.
I am a certified "knife nerd" but I've gravitated to three things.... A Wyoming Saw, a Wyoming knife and a Havalon.

This combo will do it all.
I've never used the Wyoming knife but have found there is nothing you can't do with the other two

I have used the swing blade too, the dull tipped blade is great for skinning out the belly
I like the gut hook on the Wyoming knife and the short curved skinning side zips through hide wide fewer cuts... but yeah, I only carry it for convenience. If I didn't have to haul out ribs on bone I'd just pack a Havalon.
The only bones I cut are antelope ribs to get to the trachea. Parallel to the sternum
I love my old schrade sharp finger , also have the kodi Pak flrom outdoor edge. It contains a saw, a skinner gutter, and a capping knife. It's a handi pak.
FOTIS":1pzasgy5 said:
What do you guys use for gutting skinning etc?

Looking for something very good.

I bought one from michiganroadkill on the 24hourcampfire. Great knife and a great guy to deal with. Mine is scary sharp and holds and edge forever. They make the best hunting knife I have ever used. They make all sorts of cutlery and cooking pots and pans. The hunting knives with what they call the Double-D edge is REALLY SHARP and stays sharp for a loooooooog time. If it ever needs sharpened it is free and you can send up to three knives at a time and $5 for return shipping and the turn around is really quick. I use only this knife to totally prepare my deer. I de-bone all meat. It usually takes me an average of 20 minutes from the time I hang a deer up until I have all the meat off of it.