Spring Turkey 2017!!!


Dec 2, 2010
2017 is in the books and it was a good one. I was not able to take a kid out during the Learn to Hunt or the state youth hunt due to a vacation but I was able to get out during season B-F here in Wisconsin. The numbers of birds were not as strong as the last few years which made me focus on individual birds more and it worked out better for me. I was able to help the land owner get a bird, my trapping partner a bird and a former student a bird plus a few for myself. I was blessed and lucky too. I know of a few that made it through the season so I have something to dream about until next spring. I know that I would not have been this successful without the help of this site, great friends that love to turkey hunt, amazing land owners and my loving wife.

That was a great season for you. Congratulations. Those birds will provide some excellent table fare, without a doubt. What is your favourite way to prepare the meat?
Nothing like some hard gobbling toms to get your heart racing! I didn't get to hunt much this year, but was able to get myself one gobbler. Congrats on an amazing season for you!

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I like to take the breast and cut it into 2-3" hunks. From there, I pound them flat with a meat mallet and coat them in seasoned flour before frying in hot oil until golden brown. For the thighs/legs, I slow cook them and then pull them for tacos.
WT it looks like you had a great spring turkey season :wink:! Congratulations!
Thank you for the post and photos they are excellent.

C48, that is also a great bird and a wonderful photo of you with your daughter (y).
Thank you also for the photo :wink:.
