Son & Kimber

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
So yesterday afternoon, at our Family Range Day, my 20 year old son once again proved that he can do a fine job of shooting my .45 Kimber with 230 gr hardball. Cool! Except he now wants an expensive Kimber when he turns 21 instead of settling for an inexpensive Glock 9mm like his older brother was happy with...

Dang. Mentioned to Mama that the lad wanted a .45 1911 Kimber "like Dad's" and she said something along the lines of: "Well of course he does, you both shoot it great. Take some money from savings and go get him the Kimber he wants." :shock: Okay.

So... continuing the shopping for the Kimber. It will be his on his 21st birthday next year. Meanwhile we can have fun looking for the one he wants. Kimber makes all sorts of guns now, not so back when I got mine in their first year of production.

This is fun!

Now, how cool is that. Not only does your son enjoy shooting handguns with you, but your good wife encourages you to abet him in pursuing this avocation. Congratulations on having a "with it" family.
Man, your son makes one heckuva great choice in pistols Guy! I bet you are pretty excited about that. When our Det stood up in 2003, we were issued Kimbers, when they were tooled up after they built our duty guns, they asked if we would like to buy one of our own for 750... I almost fell over. I love Kimber 45's.. Best 45 on the market in my eyes. Scotty

Duty Gun


That is fantastic in a couple of ways.....

-Your son has good taste in 1911's

-Your CFO is very supportive

Way to go Guy!

JD338":6egmn5lm said:

That is fantastic in a couple of ways.....

-Your son has good taste in 1911's

-Your CFO is very supportive

Way to go Guy!


It is nice to have the wife on board, but even better when your boy is asking for it! How do you say no to that! Scotty