Range report on my wifes 270 Featherweight...


Oct 28, 2008
I hit the range at 0800 this morning...while it was still cool!

I had done some chrono testing here at home over the last few days, and after that I deep cleaned the rifle using Butches Bore Shine and Montana Extreme Copper Killer (good stuff)....the barrel was squeaky clean down to the bare metal...so, the first 15 rounds patterned like a shotgun...1 even went through the top bar of my target stand, lol...literally all over the target.

But something in round 15 flipped the "on" switch...rounds 16,17,18 grouped pretty good (pictured below)

This group I shot at 200 yards...I messed up on the 2nd shot, yanked it way left because the guy 2 lanes down fired his 45-110 blackpowder rifle and I swear I believe it measured about 4.3 on the Richter scale...that happened as I squeezing the trigger on round 2...spooked me a little, wasn't prepared for cannon fire!

The 200 yard group is the lower 3 rounds here...would have been a real nice 200 yard group if not for the "boo boo" on the 2nd shot of the 3....I couldn't re-shoot it, these were my last 3 rounds...the rifle was still getting a little better as the barrel settled down, the 200 yard group was looking better than the 100 yard group (the upper 3 rounds)

I adjusted the scope 1 click left and called it good...sighted in for 250 yards.

Gotta love a model 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No load development whatsoever...just got some chrono readings, used the chrono readings with QuickLoad to sort out a few things...loaded some rounds with 55 grains of H4350 under a 130 BT...and PRESTO!
Fine loads from a fine rifle. Excellent riflery, RR. You can take pride in your workmanship. Congratulations. Your lady should be able to tag plenty of deer this year.
Thanks gentlemen...I certainly enjoyed the morning...nothing brings a smile to your face like a fine shooting rifle!
I had to drag my butt back into work this morning. Its been raining here for WEEKS! I'll never get to the range.
Measured the last 100 yard group...

.462 MOA

That is BY FAR the best I've ever seen a "Featherweight" barrel shoot...but this is the first Winchester Featherweight I've ever owned too...not gonna mention the maker of the other "lightweights" I've owned (I'm tired of talking about them...and recently realized that it may offend folks who do own them)...but this is the only lightweight rifle (of 4) that would shoot better than 1.5" at 100 yards.
I have a JOC Custom Tribute rifle that won't shoot that good. I haven't tried 4350 with the 130 gr bullet but may soon. My load with any 130 gr bullet is 59.5 gr of H4831 and actually 48gr IMR4064 does real well. I need to get myself a chrony.

Great rifle and some fine shooting. Lookout Mr. Elk!! Load 'er up with a 150 gr PT and it's curtains for the antlered one.

Nicely done buddy. She is a shooter for sure.

Well that rifle is surely dialed in :wink: your wife will be in fine shape with that model 70 at her side this fall :mrgreen:. Looking forward to a good hunting story along with photos:)!!!

I just hope you did not clean it once ya got it sighted in as it will probably act like a shotgun again with the next few rounds shot from it! It is shooting sweet now and is 1 fine looking rig for sure and love the caliber as it's capable of a lot with a well placed shot ! I think my wife needs some Model 70's :)
Nope...I won't deep clean it again until the groups start opening up...I just pulled a tight patch with CLP, tight dry patch, then a loose patch with CLP through it and put it in the safe...I'll pull a tight dry patch through it before shooting it next time...to get the CLP out of the barrel.

I don't care what anybody says...fouled barrels are more accurate....up to a point...there comes a time when they need to be cleaned (could be anywhere from 20 -200 rounds, depending on the barrel)...but no gun needs to be deep cleaned after every range trip...

If you do that....you'll never know just how accurate the gun really is because you're always removing and replacing copper in the little tiny imperfections in the barrel...and there are always imperfections in a barrel, even custom barrels.
Now ya need to get the wife behind it and let her sling some rounds or is she a natural with it ? I used to be told by others not to teach my wife how to shoot but living in LA it just came with the bass akwards beliefs from all the older folk in my area? Both my wife's could shoot and glad I got rid of the first 1 as she could shoot really good being from Lower Arkansas!
She killed her first deer last season....345 yards...1 shot...dropped him in his tracks.

Made me proud!
She would have been with me at the range the other day...but her and my son are in Cocoa Beach, FL with her mom for a couple of weeks.
Oh yea I remember that pic for sure and she does not need anymore practice !! Glad she is getting a Vacation with her Family as I wish I could but not enough Family still around! I used to go TDY to that area and fly around the Cape and act like we were rescuing Astronauts on occasion! Even went down to the Islands and showed off our Airplane for a small air show once from Patrick AFB! I think it was at Grand Bahama Island ? I think that rifle could be called good for sure! Have ya heard anything on your 280 AI yet ?