This is more my idea of how to "maintain" a rifle barrel...


Oct 28, 2008
Notice...I said "maintain"...not has to be done from time to time too, but that is another matter.

Long videos, but this guy knows his stuff...his thoughts on cold bore, 1st round hits are "on target"...tons of excellent info in this series of videos (not just the ones linked here...there is nearly 100 of them) watched in order...nothing I know of has ever went into so much detail on this, not even TV shows or paid you watch the videos, take notice of the level of detail in his logs and charts, and the changes accounted for therein (namely temperature and its effect on muzzle velocity)

The cleaning videos...
I've been watching Rex's videos for over a year now, great info, top notch work and he goes into great detail on how things work and what to pay attention too.

A while back, last year sometime I asked him about the carbon build up of powder over copper and could over time, long periods of being left in the bore after many many rounds make the job of removing it much harder?

My thought from something I read was that the carbon buildup could be harder then the steel itself? Not sure where I read this but I had posed that question to Rex and his answer was hog wash but that the carbon bonding to the alligator skin ahead of the throat would help to alleviate the that issue.