Always does my heart good to get this one out. A Savage M1920 made in 1920, chambered in 250-3000.
Had it stored away with oil in the barrel, ran 1 dry patch through it and shot it. First shot on that clean bore is the high shot, next 3 were in the middle. I've shot 3/4" groups with this load and rifle at 100 yds, but every yr gets tougher with iron sights when I get these rifles out. Struggle with the fuzzies on vision.

Pic of it today on the bench. Short action Mauser action with tang safety and weighs 6lbs. Cool old rifle I think. Has a dovetailed flip up bolt peep.

Also had the Rem 760 in 35 Remington along. The Rem Core Lokts I just picked up have the cannelure sitting higher on the shank of the bullet than the factory bullets I pull and load, so I wanted to make sure they weren't noticeably different in how they shot. Have it sighted in around 1" high with the Speer 180's, and these shoot higher. Group measures 1.064, which is pretty typical for this rifle. Have shot much tighter at times but not today.

Everybody has their own preferences but I wouldn't trade this rifle for a bucket full of plastic stocked modern rifles. I just like it. Especially in the woods. It's never thrown a what was that shot flier, doesn't matter what I've shot in it so far. 1.25" is about the extent of its poor groups. 1.5-5 scope on it.

Had it stored away with oil in the barrel, ran 1 dry patch through it and shot it. First shot on that clean bore is the high shot, next 3 were in the middle. I've shot 3/4" groups with this load and rifle at 100 yds, but every yr gets tougher with iron sights when I get these rifles out. Struggle with the fuzzies on vision.

Pic of it today on the bench. Short action Mauser action with tang safety and weighs 6lbs. Cool old rifle I think. Has a dovetailed flip up bolt peep.

Also had the Rem 760 in 35 Remington along. The Rem Core Lokts I just picked up have the cannelure sitting higher on the shank of the bullet than the factory bullets I pull and load, so I wanted to make sure they weren't noticeably different in how they shot. Have it sighted in around 1" high with the Speer 180's, and these shoot higher. Group measures 1.064, which is pretty typical for this rifle. Have shot much tighter at times but not today.

Everybody has their own preferences but I wouldn't trade this rifle for a bucket full of plastic stocked modern rifles. I just like it. Especially in the woods. It's never thrown a what was that shot flier, doesn't matter what I've shot in it so far. 1.25" is about the extent of its poor groups. 1.5-5 scope on it.