257 Roberts ready for Antelope


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Ruger #1 257 Roberts
100 gr Nos. Ballistic tip
48.5 Rl 19
3077 fps
300 yards
Leupold vx3 2.5x8
fired two added 2 clicks fired 2 more. Called it good enough
Headed to central Wyoming this coming weekend for an Antelope hunt with the Kessel’s. Rifle has shown a real affinity for the 100 gr BT and I couldn’t locate any 110s or 115 so it’ll have to do. Pretty much eliminated one variable on the hunt.
As with my 300 HH I’ve done some work to this rifle as well. I did not have to replace the trigger however.
I’ll take the 275 Rigby as a backup; Got a real nice 200 yard three shot group with the 140 BT/49 gr rl 17 but my 300 yard group fell apart. Only enough 17 to load one box of Cartriges so it’s as close as it will get as well.


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Hard to imagine a better load for antelope than that. Good luck on the hunt!
Very nice!
Best of luck on your speed goat adventure!

Haven't yet taken my No.1A in 257 Roberts out to sight in with the gloss Leupold VX-III 3.5-10x40 as yet. I have some Nosler 110gr AB ammo and Federal +P 120 gr PT ammo to try. Hopefully mine shoots as well as yours!
Very nice!
Best of luck on your speed goat adventure!

Haven't yet taken my No.1A in 257 Roberts out to sight in with the gloss Leupold VX-III 3.5-10x40 as yet. I have some Nosler 110gr AB ammo and Federal +P 120 gr PT ammo to try. Hopefully mine shoots as well as yours!
I hope it does shoot for you. They are certainly fun to work with
I have a M700 Classic in 257 Roberts and she shoots 100 gr BT, 110 gr AB and 115 gr BT into little groups like this one. I eventually settled on one load, 115 gr BT with 49.0 grs RL22 for 3100 fps. My COL is 2.900" since the rifle is based on the Remington long/Magnum action.
The 115 gr BT is wicked on deer, caribou and coyotes.



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I have a little Rl 22, now that I have all the bedding, stress relieving and hicks accurizer installed Ill have to try your recipe over the winter. I am now out of 100 grain BT as well. I do have two boxes for my hunt. Hope it’s enough:)
I have a M700 Classic in 257 Roberts and she shoots 100 gr BT, 110 gr AB and 115 gr BT into little groups like this one. I eventually settled on one load, 115 gr BT with 49.0 grs RL22 for 3100 fps. My COL is 2.900" since the rifle is based on the Remington long/Magnum action.
The 115 gr BT is wicked on deer and coyotes.

3100 with a Bob is screaming. That's about what a standard 25-06 load will do.

Makes me want one.
With 40 rounds of your current load, you are set for the next 20 years. One sighter and one kill shot kind of thinking 🤔😁

3100 with a Bob is screaming. That's about what a standard 25-06 load will do.

Makes me want one.
I worked with Scotty and QL to come up with this load in my rifle a few years back. Being able to seat the bullet farther out off the lands and having the long action allows for more case capacity.
Case life is grand as there are no signs of over pressure - rounded primer cups and easy bolt lift.
It's basically a 25-06.

I worked with Scotty and QL to come up with this load in my rifle a few years back. Being able to seat the bullet farther out off the lands and having the long action allows for more case capacity.
Case life is grand as there are no signs of over pressure - rounded primer cups and easy bolt lift.
It's basically a 25-06.

Sounds like it'd be a daisy in a Tikka long box.

I'd AI it if I were to ever build one, but that's just because I hate trimming brass.
I have two rifles chambered to the .257 Roberts, a Winchester M70 Featherweight and a Ruger #1B. I haven't found a load the M70 likes one bit so far and what little shooting I've done showed a lot of promise. So far I've only shot most of one box of Norma 100 gr. Roberts ammo. Still have one 20 round box and the partial still has 6six rounds. I have no idea just how old that Norma ammo is but I bought the #1 about ten years years ago and the ammo came with the gun. The Ruger serial # dates it to 1984 and I'm thinking that ammo is from the 1980s. I checked Norma's website shortly after buying the gun and it was MIA. No idea when Norma dropped it. Did some minor reload work with 100 gr, Sierras and and 120 gr. Speer Hot ccores. The loads were usable but nowhere near what theNorma did.
The M70 so far hasn't shown me much regarding accuracy. It definite hates 120 gr. bullet and is maybe two inches with the Sierra 100 gr. bullets, either flat based or boat tail. Kind of strange as my M70 Featherweight is a tack driver in 7x57.
Paul B.
My mother shot a little Remington 722 in a 257 Roberts. I recall it being sufficiently accurate but not outstanding. If memory serves it was feed a diet of 120 gr Remingtons. One of my nephews kids has the rifle.
Dang thing killed moose(1) elk (2) and a bunch of deer. Most were neck or head shot. 6 boys in 9 years she couldn't waste meat.
This Antelope hunt will be my first serious hunting effort with the #1 257, Really looking forward to it.
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Hope you can find a load in that MDL. 70. MDL 70 featherweights and 257 Roberts seem to go together like PP&J
I have a M700 Classic in 257 Roberts and she shoots 100 gr BT, 110 gr AB and 115 gr BT into little groups like this one. I eventually settled on one load, 115 gr BT with 49.0 grs RL22 for 3100 fps. My COL is 2.900" since the rifle is based on the Remington long/Magnum action.
The 115 gr BT is wicked on deer and coyotes.

I'll have to try that load too!