Saving my 250-Savage- is it worth it? Talk me out of it.


Sep 10, 2006
Ok - if you've been keeping up,(but why would you...) you know that I've been battling with the old 250 savage. About a year ago, I made a mistake and over charged a some loads and locked up the bolt. (See above..) I assumed that once we got the bolt open I was good. However, I'm guessing that the cumulative affect of that and the years of shooting have finally had their affect. Recently trying out the some what reduced load for my model 99 the following happened to my Mauser:

Shot it a couple times, split a case, removed that, shot a couple more times and then the bolt wouldnt open again. (Split cases didnt surprise me too much, this is really old brass.) Got it back from the smith on Monday and this is what we found:

Second photo shows bolt w/ the safety lug broken off. Third photo shows the crack through the front lug. I am looking to find a comercial Mauser bolt, but even if I do the head space will likely be off with a "replacement bolt". These changes DID NOT happen simply as a result of firing the group pictured. Charges were verified w/ two separate scales and the same load shot successfully in my model 99.

The ultimate disposition of my Mauser is unknown. For now it sets in the safe. Further reloading is on hold too. Hopefully some one can learn from my mistake and misfortune.
On a personal note- its just a rifle- steel and wood- but breaking it feels like the equivalent of "running over the dog" with the car. Kinda heart sick. Many good memories tied up in that rifle.

So - talked with my Smith this afternoon- he hasnt been able to find a bolt for my FN Mauser commercial bolt or action (no surprise) I havent either. He does have an Interarms "Mark X" 30-06 rifle for sale. In many ways this might be the way to go. I would get a theoretically good action and matching bolt. safety that works right etc..

If the actions are close enough it might fit the bedding in my current stock and I really like my current stock. (I could find that out before I spent the money) Then its a matter of threading my current barrel on the donor action. if that fits and the threads match, thats not too spendy. If the threads need to be re-cut.... well. The finishes wouldn't match because the barrel is bead blasted, but I could live with that. Smith says hes got Guages and reamers for 25-06 so thats gonna happen before he puts the barrel back on.
Im guessing the FM Mounts arent going to fit the Interarms action, so that means new bases.
So. just rough numbers- that swap is gonna cost me over $500- $600. If it all screws together and the bedding is close. Then I'd have another barrel and stock I dont have an action for. Not sure I could sell that either, but maybe, eventually. Best not to plan on it or more than a $150.

Trust me- its more than I want to spend, and I would loose my 250 Savage. But, I keep a rifle that I like and fits me better than anything I've found so far. I'm sure I wont own another rifle with a stock like this.... The 250 should be in a short action any way....not the current long action.

Dads not around to talk me out of it, somebody else please try. Sorry - hope this post isnt too rambling...CL


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CL, Sorry to hear about your troubles...
May be time to make the ol' rifle a wallhanger that you can look on fondly over the coming years and recall all of the great adventures shared.
(But keep looking for a suitable donor Mauser short action that you can acquire down the road, and resurrect that stock and barrel back into use, for an affordable budget that you can build towards until then.)
At least you have your 99 for use right now, so you do not completely miss out on using the ol' 250 Savage!
Gil is right on all accounts.
Maybe think about building a rifle off a Remington 700 or Winchester 70. A 257 Roberts or 25-06 would be a nice addition.

Troy, it might be best to do what Gil suggested and hang it up. Since you have a 99 250 Savage that might make it easier to retire your Mauser. With the funds you would have to spend on it you could find a nice lightly used rifle in something like a 243, one of the 25's or even a smaller 6.5 of some sort.
Troy, Looks as if I will make the Canadian conspiracy (plus JD) a near unanimity in recommending that the best course or action is to retire your Mauser and look for an alternative. The acquisition and shooting of firearms is a disease, and the cure for all diseases does take dedication on our part. I wouldn't talk you out of this course of action, choosing rather to encourage you to work through the situation to acquire a working solution.
Troy, if you're willing to spend money on modifications, might I suggest this. As others have said, retire your 250 and hold it from time to time remembering hunts, people, etc, that mattered to you.

For a working rifle, get something like a Ruger American, Savage Axis, or a used rifle in, say, 243 or 6.5 Creedmoor. It will fill the same niche as your 250 but with ammo/components more readily available. At the same time, staying within a similar amount you would be spending to save the 250. Get a stock like a Boyd's or use a factory stock if feasible (wood, obviously) and have your gunsmith modify it to your dimensions. It wouldn't be THE rifle you've used all these years, but it would be A rifle that would fill the void.
You could talk to your 'smith in advance and get an idea of cost for a project like this and that might help you decide.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the advice guys- I have come to similar conclusions myself. I will keep an eye out for a "replacement bolt", but until then the rifle will set in the safe. I hate it. But I will also keep an eye out for a short action Savage I can screw a new barrel on in 250. In the mean time I will explore options for a wood stock for the 243. Always wanted something with a Maple handle.... Maybe. I hate the plastic. Again- Thanks I will be whining about this again. CL
Retire it and move on buddy. Glad the rifle was the only painful part of this lesson. I do like the 250 savage a most useful cartridge for deer and such.
Gil is right on all accounts.
Maybe think about building a rifle off a Remington 700 or Winchester 70. A 257 Roberts or 25-06 would be a nice addition.

I would also echo Jim's thoughts.
Spent two hours talking with a smith this week. We discovered we have mutual acquaintances, through my mother-in-laws family and just got to talking....Ive done my Mn hunting just miles from where he grew up. He says he wants to save my Mauser. If nothing else he will buy my "parts" and get the thorn out of my side. He's making some calls on a bolt... Learned more about that rifle from him than I knew over the last 25 years. He had multiple FN Mausers he was working on and bolts to try. He put hope in my heart again. I know its crazy..... but it was fun! We will see. Bets thing to do is move on in the mean time. I found a sporterized 30-40 Krag Jorgensen, really nice Walnut... and a mosberg 151MB that have my interest if not my money... yet. o_O Why do I pick the obscure "problem children"? CL
Spent two hours talking with a smith this week. We discovered we have mutual acquaintances, through my mother-in-laws family and just got to talking....Ive done my Mn hunting just miles from where he grew up. He says he wants to save my Mauser. If nothing else he will buy my "parts" and get the thorn out of my side. He's making some calls on a bolt... Learned more about that rifle from him than I knew over the last 25 years. He had multiple FN Mausers he was working on and bolts to try. He put hope in my heart again. I know its crazy..... but it was fun! We will see. Bets thing to do is move on in the mean time. I found a sporterized 30-40 Krag Jorgensen, really nice Walnut... and a mosberg 151MB that have my interest if not my money... yet. o_O Why do I pick the obscure "problem children"? CL
Because anyone can buy a Savage Axis or Rem 783 in 223 or an SKS in 7.62x39...and you just aren't anyone!
You prefer a classic rifle with history and a connection that you relate to.
Hang it up, put your parts together and have it chambered in 25-06 Ackley Improved! You won't be tempted to overcharge it as its a screamer below Max! Have a ball man.
Well- more "pro Creedmore "- I always just kinda dismissed the 6.5 Creedmore... good marketing and hype. Nothing wrong with that, but not somthing I need. Got a 6.5 Jap. There's nothing impressive about that but it would get the job done...the Sweede has been doing it for years, and well....know some one who has been quietly shooting and killing stuff with 264 winchester for 30 plus years. He's a good shot so DRT is not a big surprise. And then I actually compared the numbers to my beloved 250-3000 Savage.
Well, if the numbers dont lie, the Creedmore has it all over my 250. More velocity, heavier bullet weights, "better" case deisign... my gracious, if I have to replace the 250- it could be with a CREEDMORE!! :eek::).... whats next, electric cars!?!? :) CL
Well- more "pro Creedmore "- I always just kinda dismissed the 6.5 Creedmore... good marketing and hype. Nothing wrong with that, but not somthing I need. Got a 6.5 Jap. There's nothing impressive about that but it would get the job done...the Sweede has been doing it for years, and well....know some one who has been quietly shooting and killing stuff with 264 winchester for 30 plus years. He's a good shot so DRT is not a big surprise. And then I actually compared the numbers to my beloved 250-3000 Savage.
Well, if the numbers dont lie, the Creedmore has it all over my 250. More velocity, heavier bullet weights, "better" case deisign... my gracious, if I have to replace the 250- it could be with a CREEDMORE!! :eek::).... whats next, electric cars!?!? :) CL

heck just call it a 6.5 cloverleaf , no one but you will know . ;)
The 6.5 CM is wicked on Whitetails. They give up the ghost right now when hit with the 129 ABLR.
Many rifle choices and configurations with components readily available. Accuracy is excellent and it won't disappoint.
Yup, the 6.5 Cloverleaf would be your huckleberry.
