Death of My Arken


Mar 23, 2017
Last Friday I went out to try out some 260gr Etips I loaded last fall. The last couple of times out, I had to back down the side focus to get a clear target. The first group was an 1 1/2” and the 3rd shot I couldn’t make out the target clearly. So adjusted the side focus again. Second shot on the second group target was blurred. Adjusted for the third shot , another crappy group. I turned the scope down to 6X and noticed a bunch of black specks towards the outside of the field of view. Target was clearer , so I dialed it back up and had to adjust the focus again. By this time I’m at the 25yd marking on the dial. I decided to try a group with my 330gr MTH bullets. First shot blurred waited a bit it came back into somewhat focus. Second shot same thing. Third shot finished it off , completely blurred with no adjustment helping it.
I contacted Arken that afternoon by email , no phone number available. Monday I got a response that I need to adjust the diopter for my eyes (really). I’ve emailed them each day since and haven’t gotten a reply.
By the way I know where the black specks came from.
Notice anything odd?
Their customer service SUCKS at this moment.
350 rounds out of a 375 Wby will kill an Arken. I’ve waited a few days to put this out there hoping they would make things right , but at this time I’m hung out to dry.
That sucks, too bad they aren't helping you out. Hopefully they make it right for you.
And this is a good example of why one should stick to the old reliable, rugged, tried and true brands for harder recoiling cartridges...

You don't hear about it much today, but in the past Leupold advertised that all their scopes were subjected to pounding tests in a jig that duplicated 300 gr 375 H&H type recoil for so many jolts as part of their quality control testing.
Sorry to hear that Arken has put you on ignore.
350 rounds isn't that much, not to mention that 100 rounds of that was fire forming loads.
Hopefully their customer service department gets back to you when they return from spring break.

(833) 658-0070
Maybe one of these phone numbers can help bring resolution
I will try the first number when I get home later this afternoon. The second number I tried already the other day , didn’t get me to anyone.
I don’t understand how the right hash mark just flaked off and the other 3 are fine.
My 30-378 gave issues to my Leupold Mark 4.
I will try the first number when I get home later this afternoon. The second number I tried already the other day , didn’t get me to anyone.
I don’t understand how the right hash mark just flaked off and the other 3 are fine.
My 30-378 gave issues to my Leupold Mark 4.
I like Arken's for the money.
I also realize what they are not.
I wouldn't trust them on a big boy cartridge long term.
To get me out of a pinch, if I didn't have anything else? Yes
Well the first number is disconnected and the second is a message to use their email , which I learned the other day.
So I went out in a limb and call Camera Land to see if they have number. Nope they’re stuck using the email contact also.
This is by worst customer service I’ve seen by a company , even to a large dealer of their product.
And this is a good example of why one should stick to the old reliable, rugged, tried and true brands for harder recoiling cartridges...

You don't hear about it much today, but in the past Leupold advertised that all their scopes were subjected to pounding tests in a jig that duplicated 300 gr 375 H&H type recoil for so many jolts as part of their quality control testing.
I had Vari-X III models fail from the recoil of a bullet half that weight.
and less. They were replaced for no charge, though.
surely they are more rugged than they were 30+yrs ago?
I have an Arken EP5 and it has been fantastic on a 10lb 6.5 Creedmoor, probably why it hasn't given me any issues.

I hate to hear more bad news about them, I want to believe it's growing pains, but they have had more than enough time to fix the numerous complaints they have been receiving. I refuse to buy another until they fix all their CS issues.
I have an Arken EP5 and it has been fantastic on a 10lb 6.5 Creedmoor, probably why it hasn't given me any issues.

I hate to hear more bad news about them, I want to believe it's growing pains, but they have had more than enough time to fix the numerous complaints they have been receiving. I refuse to buy another until they fix all their CS issues.
Just a CS phone number with someone knowledgeable answering it would go a long ways. I’m wandering if there is high failure rate of these scopes causing a poor response. Up front this scope was clear tracked well for the money , but after some time being pounded by a magnum cartridge it couldn’t take it. Whenever I get this sorted out I’m not sure where the replacement will wind up on.
Last Friday I went out to try out some 260gr Etips I loaded last fall. The last couple of times out, I had to back down the side focus to get a clear target. The first group was an 1 1/2” and the 3rd shot I couldn’t make out the target clearly. So adjusted the side focus again. Second shot on the second group target was blurred. Adjusted for the third shot , another crappy group. I turned the scope down to 6X and noticed a bunch of black specks towards the outside of the field of view. Target was clearer , so I dialed it back up and had to adjust the focus again. By this time I’m at the 25yd marking on the dial. I decided to try a group with my 330gr MTH bullets. First shot blurred waited a bit it came back into somewhat focus. Second shot same thing. Third shot finished it off , completely blurred with no adjustment helping it.
I contacted Arken that afternoon by email , no phone number available. Monday I got a response that I need to adjust the diopter for my eyes (really). I’ve emailed them each day since and haven’t gotten a reply.
By the way I know where the black specks came from.
View attachment 22364
Notice anything odd?
Their customer service SUCKS at this moment.
350 rounds out of a 375 Wby will kill an Arken. I’ve waited a few days to put this out there hoping they would make things right , but at this time I’m hung out to dry.
Thanks for you post. It helped me because I was about to buy one.
When I got this scope I was amazed at the glass. At a 100yds you could read the writing on some of targets. Bullets holes were also clear. As Ernie has pointed out one has to realize what their intended audience is for this scope. I believe rimfire and Creed guys probably will never have an issue.
Yes I’m very disappointed with this scope , but it doesn’t match the crap for CS Arkens offers. It’s been said the best warranty is the one you never have to use.
I did receive a RGA form to fill out by email. I filled it out and will see how long it will get me a RGA tag for return.
I did bookmark it in case I have remind them in a few days.
I see them used a lot on 22 LRs and smaller 22/6/6.5mm centerfires. Not sure I'd trust them on a big WBY magnum. I like to stick with good known scope manufacturers either way just in case you run into any issues. Not a good look for them if you have to go through all that hassle of getting in touch with them, and taking care of the issue.
When I got this scope I was amazed at the glass. At a 100yds you could read the writing on some of targets. Bullets holes were also clear. As Ernie has pointed out one has to realize what their intended audience is for this scope. I believe rimfire and Creed guys probably will never have an issue.
Yes I’m very disappointed with this scope , but it doesn’t match the crap for CS Arkens offers. It’s been said the best warranty is the one you never have to use.
I did receive a RGA form to fill out by email. I filled it out and will see how long it will get me a RGA tag for return.
View attachment 22399
I did bookmark it in case I have remind them in a few days.
Hopefully you will get fixed up soon.
Did you ever elaborate on where the black specks came from, also I did not see what's odd, maybe I am overlooking it or my Arken has the same anomaly.
Did you ever elaborate on where the black specks came from, also I did not see what's odd, maybe I am overlooking it or my Arken has the same anomaly.
I believe they are coming from something to do with the side focus or the reticle glass. Being FFP you don’t notice them at higher power as the center of the reticle hogs up the sight picture. When you back out to 6X they’re scattered all around the reticle. I wish my darn I-phone could take a better picture of it. Towards the end with each shot more specks were showing up. Whatever they are they don’t move after they appear.
I’m still in the process of the RGA return with them yet.
I’m still in the process of the RGA return with them yet.
That is not boosting my confidence of their CS operation. They are a great option for mid-level optics, wish they were more robust internally to handle the heavy recoil, they certainly have the weight of ruggedly built optics.

Edit to add:

I see now yours is the EPL.

My two are the EP5 5 - 25 x 56mm, one mounted on the 6.5 Creedmoor, the other sitting in the closet still in the original packaging with all the combo goodies.
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