10mm Auto 180gr powder?


Work, load, shoot, hunt, repeat
Apr 19, 2022
I just got an 5" Sig Xten. I'm going to start with 180gr HAP bullets.
From reading it seems like Accurate no. 9 might be a great powder. ?

Anyone use AA 9 with 180gr bullets.
I just got an 5" Sig Xten. I'm going to start with 180gr HAP bullets.
From reading it seems like Accurate no. 9 might be a great powder. ?

Anyone use AA 9 with 180gr bullets.
It gets the 180 gr moving at proper speeds.

Just curious but what is up with the 10mm resurgence? I like it but curious why that's making a semi comeback tyoe thing
AA No. 9 is one of several powders listed by Hodgdon that will drive a 180 gr bullet at 1200+ fps from a 5" barrel. I've used it for the 10mm, and it works great! Longshot is another powder that has given me great results from the 10mm. I load for our shop Glock 10mm.

The 10mm has been rediscovered as a bear-defense gun. Very few people will ever need it in that role, but a good gun is a good thing to have along in bear country. In some circles it is replacing the 44 mag revolver as the handgun of choice in that role. Lighter. Easier to carry. More ammo capacity. Fast to reload if necessary. Available in 1911, Glock, and more... No, it's not as powerful as the 44, but it's a lot easier to shoot well, rapidly. It's also proven effective on bears of all types and sizes.

Heck I'd like one. For me of course it would need to be a 1911! :)

Just curious but what is up with the 10mm resurgence? I like it but curious why that's making a semi comeback tyoe thing
So, all my life I've been a center fire rifle fanatic. I carried a 380 revolver forever, shot factory ammo.

About five years ago my friend asked me if I knew what century this was!! At that moment I thought, " this azzhole is going to cost me a lot of money "!

I started trying on semi auto pistols the p365 just felt so right, so I bought it. Then got set up for reloading 9mm. A month later I got a P365XL. Two months later I got a P320 then a Sig custom shop P320 with romeo 2 sight. All in 9mm Luger.

I started thinking about 10mm ballistics about a month ago. A little something about me, when I start researching and the wheels start spinning its only a matter of time till I purchase something.
My brother's father in law owns a gun/ reloading shop in Tennessee. I'm down here whitetail hunting for Christmas and he said he had one and a Holoson 508t.
So, all my life I've been a center fire rifle fanatic. I carried a 380 revolver forever, shot factory ammo.

About five years ago my friend asked me if I knew what century this was!! At that moment I thought, " this azzhole is going to cost me a lot of money "!

I started trying on semi auto pistols the p365 just felt so right, so I bought it. Then got set up for reloading 9mm. A month later I got a P365XL. Two months later I got a P320 then a Sig custom shop P320 with romeo 2 sight. All in 9mm Luger.

I started thinking about 10mm ballistics about a month ago. A little something about me, when I start researching and the wheels start spinning its only a matter of time till I purchase something.
My brother's father in law owns a gun/ reloading shop in Tennessee. I'm down here whitetail hunting for Christmas and he said he had one and a Holoson 508t.
Great little story...

I shoot a lot of everything handgun related but probably 1911's the most.
I started loading 45's and when I did the math I said self....we need to discuss this.

Loading has many benefits to me with cost being the least item of importantnce in my loading benefits.
When the cost savings were negligible and not owning a progressive press (for metallic)
I just scrapped loading for handgun.

***Except ***
44 mag I will always load for.


I love the 10mm and hope you enjoy it.
i use many different powders as i load 135, 150, 155, 165 and seldom for 180's. longshot, blue dot, hs6, be86, 3n37, silhouette, #9, power pistol and some 800-x. depends on brands, weights and types of bullets (fmj, hp, xtp, v-crown, gold dot, etc). whether i'm shooting g20, g40, m/p 4" or 4.6", xdm 5.25" or 2 carbines (mech-tech conversion for glock and pcc ar), but i use all for each and doesn't matter which firearm it's shot thru.

has anyone heard anything good or bad about the cmmc 10mm's? i have their 5.7x28 and love the delayed blowback as it uses a 2.5oz buffer and the bcg is very light compared to regular blowbacks. i have a binary trigger on it and it doesn't miss a beat! i also want a 9 and 45 in the cmmc, but the 45 doesn't use the ar15 mag conversions like the small frames do.
l load mostly 180 gr bullets and have had good results with Power Pistol, BE-86 and Longshot. I plan to try some Accurate No. 9, once I find some locally. It will be for 200 gr bullets. The only downside to shooting warm loads in my Glock 20 Gen 5 is that it requires a spotter. Not for the targets, but to try to recover the brass!
I never loaded 10mm but AA9 was my preferred powder in every handgun round I loaded except .45 ACP.

My reloading mentor loaded a lot of 10mm and it was one of his favorite powders. It should work well for you.
