You have a great rifle! Huskies have a very similar reputation as do Sakos... You found a diamond in the rough... I would shoot that 06 before messing with may find it drives tacks already! :twisted:
So far I have tried 100gr of Triple 7 with;
195 Power Belts
225 Power Belts
175 Knight/Barnes Red Hot (sabots)
The 175s have grouped the best at 50yds but groups open up after that... I have a Nikon Buckmaster 3X9X40 with Leupie mounts on it.
I am open for ideas... :oops:
Both Longwinters and I have had several tack driving pistols...Contenders and Encores...
But....... absolutely NO ONE in our circle of hunting/shootin collegues has had anything but BAD luck with the rifle barrels...We've had several retuned and or replaced by TC...I even went to Fox Ridge...
Not trying to be sarcastic...but accuracy from an Encore at those distances??? I have never heard any serious "benchrest capable" comments regarding the TC (now S&W) rifle barrels....
I think the concept is wonderful but my first hand experience has been far from sterling... :cry:
I would...
We must be the same vintage Rick!
Same set up for my first...add a V 4.5 Weaver scope. 8)
My first handloads were with the Lee handloader kit with the plastic dippers :P 180gr Soft points...Either 3031 or 4831 powders... :roll:
I've bought/traded/sold "upteen" Magnums that never got a shot at an Elk... When I finally get to go again it will be with my .280 w/160gr Accubonds or Partitions. 8)
You are one lucky Winchester owner if you have some made from 1995 on that are shooters Doc! My experience with three different models during that time frame was awful... The Featherweight 70 in 7mm-08 was sent back twice and finally glass bedded to get it to 1 1/2 groups.
Same with the Model 70...
Well...I didn't get a chance to hunt during early bow season but did do some still hunting with my Remington 7MM-08 CDL. Went out late Saturday morning after a light snow quit falling...
I was moving very slowly along a steep ridge overlooking a cedar swamp...when I noticed a movement back in...
My Sako 75 NIB 7 Mag just sold... :roll:
I vote #4 for the 300 Win Long said, put a good recoil pad on her... if you shoot a lot or work up loads you may condsider adding a MBrake... :lol:
If the L61R FinnBear is like new that should be as good or better a shooter than the Kimber...