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  1. 3

    Sigh; who needs science

    But where does the phone get it... NOAA maybe?
  2. 3

    Hawaii... anyone?

    I wondered about that. I have never heard anything good about their firearms situation unfortunately, but I don't know what the exact circumstances are.
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    Hawaii... anyone?

    Interesting, I didn't know there even was hunting on Hawaii. I am of Hawaiian decent, but I have never had the chance to visit the islands. If I ever had the opportunity to go there I certainly would be interested in hunting while there. Seems like it could offer a unique experience. Let us know...
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    Pot Pie Hack

    I don't have harvested meat to use in my meals, but I do cook a lot! My family often makes large soups of 22 servings a pot, and I am the resident knife enthusiast, so I tend to do the cutting for most of our large meals. I have enjoyed learning a lot about cooking over the last couple years...
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    I was not attempting to suggest that you take satisfaction in other's pain, although their is a suggestion of irreverence in what you have said so far, however some people have and do take satisfaction in their opponents pain for the mere sake of causing pain or obtaining vengence. This I...
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    Torturing people for any sort of satisfaction is wrong whether it is during war or not. This has something to do with why we invented war crimes. Seeing things as only black and white can be dangerous game to play.
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    The battle at Thermopylae

    I am not aware of any certainty that the deal was going to be signed, although that would add some context if it is actually true. However I can understand the want to work out details before signing the deal and it is strange to me that Trump made the decision to televise the situation before...
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    I don't believe any world leaders have wanted to find out what would happen if we decided to open up that can of dragons, even the ambitious and corrupt ones. We are not the only ones with nukes, and quite possibly not the ones with the most, and almost certainly not the most prepared to survive...
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    Good bye

    Well, that's unfortunate to hear. I would never stand in the way of you doing what you feel you should, but you might find that there are many here that agree with you. You will also always find people that don't. I can understand how disturbing some of what you are seeing is from the European...
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    America was pre-dominately isolationist before WWII. We probably all know the mantra "The war to end all wars." which followed the first WW. But the second one came anyway and the war didn't manage to stay within the eastern hemisphere. It wasn't out of an American sentiment of protecting Europe...
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    Seasonal Cold

    I'm in my 20s, so it's not really something I would expect to have a problem with normally at this stage in life, but I'm guessing I've developed some auto-immune issues that might be mistakenly attacking my joints.
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    Seasonal Cold

    Yeah, weird weather seems to maybe be having a strange effect on me. I didn't catch anything horrible, but I have a pre-existing sickness that has effected me for over six years and something seems to have aggrevated it. I've been out of sorts for over a month and for some reason the sickness...
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    Converting AR to Bolt Gun Load data

    Whoa, there is a way to convert an AR to a bolt gun? I have heard about numerous modifications to ARs, but I have never heard of that before.
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    Good bye

    I think when you get into making decisions that effect the whole world, things can get more complicated than we would like... I have my beefs with FDR but much less study on him. As far as Truman, after reading hundreds of pages of info on him, I believe he was trying to do what he honestly...
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    The battle at Thermopylae

    While I don't believe that the U.S. can continue to expend rescources in the fashion we have over the past so many years, Trump's handling of Zelensky was bullying. Trump is trying to use Ukraine's poor situation as a way to make them cave into the U.S. demands, which seems to include mineral...
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    A few More Birds

    Whoa, that would be weird to me to think of being somewhere where there aren't Cardinals. I see them every day all year long. Also, very fun pics, I love birds! The clarity on that Cowbird is great!
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    Any Cooper rifle fans here?

    Interestingly, I just found out Wilson Combat is also in Berryville.
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    Any Cooper rifle fans here?

    Interesting, I wasn't aware they moved to Arkansas. What city is Cooper in these days? I live in southern Arkansas.
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    Liking It

    While I probably hold quite divergent political opinions, I can sympathize with difficulty trying to run a business. My problems are of a different nature, but I can understand how hard that might be. I hope that during shifting circumstances your company will be able to persevere.
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    Something For My Sister

    A couple of my younger sisters are supposed to be on their way with my parents to their first trip to Disney World in a couple days. My youngest sister however is staying behind with me and my brothers, so I decided to make her something. She loves the Lion King, and since all the kids are...