160 Accubond Rocks

Bruce Mc

Oct 26, 2005
A guy posted the other day about not being able to load the AccuBond out to the lands because of a short magazine. Well I have the same problem in my Model 70 Winchester but as you can see it ain't much of an issue. Went out today to sight in a new Leupold VX II on this rifle and shoot up some some rounds I loaded up last year but didn't get to shoot. I'm ready for whatever comes this season.
The load is:
7mm Rem Mag
74gr H-1000
CCI-250 Primer
Remington (nickle) Case
3.350 OAl
3079 fps avg. vel,

Nicely done Bruce Mc I'll say that you're ready. Great shooting, now if hunting season could get here... :grin:
74g of H1000 in a 7 Rem Mag w/160's??? Are you sure about that??? Not a typo?? Seems awfully warm...

I went up to 70g when I tried that combo (160g AB/H1000) and that was a very warm load and would consider it max in my 7 mag. Accuracy was crap at 1.5MOA

Great shooting load/rifle by the way.
The load is 74 grs. It shoots well in my rifle and isn't showing any pressure signs. Primer pockets stay tight and the cases don't stretch much.
Bruce Mc


I have had similar results with the 160 gr AB in my 280 AI. They shoot.

That is some awesome shooting. I shoot the 160's out of my 7mm Rem Mag Vanguard also and they are awesome. Hopefully I will get a chance to terminate some of those Virginia deer with them this year. Great load, seems like a really powerful load and shoot shoot really flat. Scotty
Went out on opening morning of the Texas general season and got this ten point. The 160 AccuBond did its job as expected. I hit the deer a little high right behind the shoulder. The bullet took out a rib and underside of the back bone and exited neatly. No damage to the backstrap and not much blood shot. Only lost a couple of ribs. It was a bang flop. The shot was 115 yds by my range finder. I intended to go out with the new 25-06 with the 110 accubonds but the old 7 mag was calling when I went to the gun cabinet saturday morning.

Congrats. I never got a white tail so mighty jealous! here! :lol:

Awesome load you got there. I would use it on everything I hunt!

What is the rifle?
Pop, I just got finished cleaning er up from the weekends hunt. It rained all day today so it got a bit damp. A Winchester Model 70 Classic.
Bruce Mc

Congratulations on a dandy buck. Ya just go to love that sleek 7mm 160 gr AB.

Bruce Mc,

Great deer. It is hard to beat the 7mm RM with 160 ABs. It is as if they were made for one another.


Super picture that tells a great story.
Great hunt Bruce Mc, that 160 AB sure is the ticket in the 7mm mag.
Maybe will be known as one of the most accurate of all time.

Ridge, there ain't nowhere in the pasture that I hunt that is 1350 yds across. What a shot.
The 7mm 160 gr AB shoots very well out of my 280 AI at 3019 fps.
