180gr Partition or 200gr Accubond


Sep 30, 2004
I recently purchased a 24" 30/06 barrel for my T/C Encore. I have been shooting Federal premium 180 Partition High Energy loads in it. I have been very pleased with the accuracy of this load. I was wondering how the 200gr AccuBond would work out of the 06 for moose and bear. It has an excellent BC and should be a flat shooter. What kind of velosities can you get out of a 24" barrel? Would I be better off just sticking with the 180s or are the 200s worth checking out?

They'ld do just fine. Since you have a good load with the 180 par why not stick with them, unless you just have some time and powder to burn. I hate being rushed on time before a hunt. With a decent hand load the 200's should run 2500-2600. It would make for a real thumper and a deep driver.
I was out shooting my encore 30/06 tonight and after seeing the range results I'll just stick with the 180gr partitions. I am really impressed with the federal premium HE loading. I shot this sub 2" 3 shot 200 yard group with them tonight. I think the 180gr Partition @ 2900fps will do anything I could ask of this 30/06, from deer-moose.

I took that load to Africa last year and was very pleased with performance on plains game. One wart hog ran about 20 yds because I hit him through the liver instead on the lungs. He was done though. That was about a 220 yd shot and longer than I usually shoot. I'm able to shoot long range but prefer to get close.
I have been shooting that ammo in an extremely accurate P-64 Mod. 70 .30-06 FWT. since it came out and it is truely awesome. I bought about 800 180 NPs as "seconds" from Kesselring's in WA. state some yrs. back, but, even my finest handloads will not beat that ammo. I kinda wish that they would also make it with the 200 PT. in '06 as I prefer this bullet for heavy game-by a small margin!
I have found some of that federal premium ammo to be so good that I don't even bother reloading for some of my guns. This 30/06 loading and the 100gr SBT 243 loading both shoot as good or better than anything else I have tried.
That group looks great, and it is a known performer on moose and bear. If you ever get spare time to burn you might experiment with the accubonds in the 30-06. I've been grouping under 1-1/2" at 200 yards with the AB out of a 300wby. I haven't tried them in my 30-06 yet, so it you do it first let me know the results.