2 weeks away for Moose

LD375":24dfj168 said:
Well, I landed about an hour or so ago, and just got settled into my hotel room. Peter is picking me up in the morning, have some breakfast and head to camp (y) I'll keep updates from camp.
Looking forward to those updates mate.
Good luck!

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Hi guys, I connected on a huge cow this afternoon, we have 1 more tag to fill. My cow was estimated to be close to 1000 lbs on the hoof. Ill give better details Friday night from my hotel room. .Lou (y)
Lou, you should have got that cow to pee in a bottle before you shot her :mrgreen: that girl is large!!
Looking forward to the story hopefully with a few photos. Congratulations my friend on a successful hunt (y).

Hi Guys, I'm in Deer Lake now and just relaxing having a cold one :) ..anyways the weather this week kind of sucked, pretty much rain and snow all week but things all worked out well. We were a group of 4 hunters, 2 of us from Canada, and 2 just outside of Pittsburg USA.

We went 3 for 4 this week, 1 bull and 3 cows, Terry from Pittsburg wounded a nice bull on Tuesday morning at 400 yds, and never had another decent chance, we had 2 moose on the pole on Monday already. Wednesday morning we hunted, and nothing, so we decided to do a drive (push) for the afternoon for Terry and I, he had a bull tag only, and I had an either sex tag, well the push started at about 3pm with the guides doing the push and Terry and I above the bog on the alert for any moose, we weren't there very long when my cow came running out with 2 twin calf at about 150 yds and stopped just beside some heavy cover, she was big just, as were the 2 calfs, she turned broadside and I launched the 180gr swift scirocco right into the boiler room, she went maybe 25 yds into the woods and expired, the bullet took out both lungs with a nice size exit hole.

Terry hunted today, but never got a second crack at a Bull, I'll post some pics when I get back home, but for now, I need to grab a bite to eat, I'm starving. :shock:
My Cow dressed out with 4 quarters ready to butcher at 447 pounds, and got 280 pounds of clean deboned and vacuum packed meat which is sitting in the motel kitchen walk in cooler as I type 8)

Man, these people are so friendly!..I'm booked again for 2017, I'll post some pics when I get back home and un packed, thanks,
Lou (y)
Congrats, hope to duplicate your success tomorrow!

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Thebear_78":2tsqi9r6 said:
Congrats, hope to duplicate your success tomorrow!

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Best of luck to you sir. :)

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Man that is a lot of meat! Congrats Lou.

Those Swifts are pretty awesome Bullets huh?
Hi guys, sorry for the not so good pics, but here we go,

Never met the meat pole, to late when we got her out, went straight to town to the butcher Thursday morning,

Feels good to be back home again :grin:

Lou that is a heck of a nice cow and the meat should supply you with a winter's worth of eating. Are you going to make up some sausage once you finish those renovations :wink:!
Thank you for the story & photographs.

That's a dandy cow mate.
Congrats again. After seeing my first moose all I can say is, they sure are big. Really gives meaning to, "Now the work begins;" when you get one on the ground.


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Congratulations on your cow moose.

Thanks fellas, it was a hard hunt, and the weather made it very difficult too, Thursday and Friday was real nasty, I'm glad that Wednesday turned out well or I might of come home skunked, I had a great time out there with some great people, and looking forward to going back again too :) ..as for this year, I'm all hunted out, and just cancelled my deer hunt, good luck to all, and be safe and shoot straight (y)

Lou :wink:
Thanks again guys :) ..I'm having a Moose tenderloin lunch (Italian style) with some friends at my home this Sunday, I wish you all could come 8) ..anyways, I'm booked for another hunt for October 22 2017, can't go this year cause I have to buy a wedding dress and more for my last daughter :grin: ..yup she's getting married this December, and I'm looking forward to it 8) ..should be around 300 guests or so :shock: ..so for this year, Bear again in Sept, and a few days here for Deer :wink:

Cheers (y)
