2010 Buffalo

high desert elk

Oct 28, 2007
Well, after all the prep, shooting, and reloading - it's a done deal. The questions I had about AB's vs PT's and how they would perform out of my 7mm WSM on a 1 1/2 yr old buffalo bull are laid to rest. One shot through both lungs at 140 yds with the 160 gr PT did the trick. He went about 80 yards before "calling calf rope". We were able to drive to within about 400 yds of the group he was in, there were two groups about 300 yds apart from each other with about 100-125 animals in each. We made a stalk up a chute between two ridges to within 100 yds of where about 8 sentry cows were at. We had to wait about 45 min to 1 hr for this one to finally position himself for a clear shot. The shot was slightly uphill and quartering away, almost broadside. Surprising to me, the bullet passed completely through with entry and exit holes the size of a pencil and dime respectively. The wound channel through the lungs was fairly large. Needless to say, the Nosler PT perfomed very well, and I have found a new bullet that I like very much but I will continue to use the AB's for long range shots at elk (400-600 yds). Pretty cool to have a buffalo in your crosshairs instead of always having elk in them. Yes, I do want to do it again soon!! :grin: :grin: :grin:


Congrats! Buffalo a huge, that PT sounds like it did a fine job.

Some day I hope to hunt Buffalo. My wife really wants one as well.
Great buffalo you lucky dog :!: :mrgreen: I hope to one day get a chance just like that. Where was your tag for? That will be some fantastic eating!!
Oh, yeah. Partitions work very well on bison. AccuBonds work just as well. Congratulations on a fine bull.
Congratulations, great buffalo and great pictures. Were you in Utah or Nevada or? I would like to try one with my Whelen or 45-90 sometime.

The performance of the PT doesn't surpise me at all. I have seen over 100 head of big game taken with the Partition and only a handfull were recovered. They just plow though and most ofter make a nice leak hole out the other side. Again great buff!
Beautiful Bison! Man, that is another want on my wish list of animals. Sounds like excellent performance again by the mighty PT! Man, it is hard to argue with those kinds of results. Hope you get a ton of meat! Scotty