Doing some reloading for a guy's Swift. It shoots factory Hornady's well, so that's the bullets he got. Started out with the old standby for the Swift, IMR 4064. Good speed and some real flat numbers on the chronograph, but I couldn't hit a load that shot satisfactory.
Switched to good old IMR 4831 and the second load I tried shot .570. From there it just got better with changes. Seated .010 deeper and with a cold bore it shot .430 at 100 yds. Went .005 deeper and went back and tried again and it shot .400 including the cold bore shot. 3 shot average on the chrono has an extreme spread of just 7 fps.
Velocity with the 4831 is down by Swift standards. 3500 with a 55 gr bullet. But with that consistency and numbers it's hard to go chasing after something else. I don't think a groundhog getting smacked by that 55 gr v-max is gonna protest much about being down on speed.

Switched to good old IMR 4831 and the second load I tried shot .570. From there it just got better with changes. Seated .010 deeper and with a cold bore it shot .430 at 100 yds. Went .005 deeper and went back and tried again and it shot .400 including the cold bore shot. 3 shot average on the chrono has an extreme spread of just 7 fps.
Velocity with the 4831 is down by Swift standards. 3500 with a 55 gr bullet. But with that consistency and numbers it's hard to go chasing after something else. I don't think a groundhog getting smacked by that 55 gr v-max is gonna protest much about being down on speed.