.223 16" barrel


Dec 2, 2010
Any tips to get better groups out of a 16" barreled AR15? It is not chromed. As of now I am getting 1.5-2" groups and would like to make them smaller. I have been using H335 and Varmageddon 55BT bullets.
Assuming you reload, the most cost effective improvement I found with a similar weapon was to do the "fire lap" process. Davidtubbs.com will provide you with fifty bullets coated in five progressively finer compounds which you load in bottom end charges, shoot ten and clean then go to the next finer batch. In my case groups shrunk by half. Once that's done you can start load development and find the combination that your weapon likes. Note the barrel must be free of copper and other crud first. Not only does the process smooth out machine made marks it reduces copper fouling due to the much smoother bore finish. Hope this helps. Newysan
What type of AR is it?.
twist rate?
Try a different powder like benchmark or TAC, both meter very well.
Have not used CFE 223 powder but heard good things about it so far.
Maybe a different bullet
Do you full length resize and bump the shoulder back .002"-.003"
What is you C.O.A.L. I load mine to 2.250 which is magazine length, just make sure the bullet isn't hitting the lands.
I use a similar load to your. My groups tighted up when I switched to CCI br-4 primers. Might give that a shot.

Also, stock triggers on many AR's are junk. Switching to a jewel helped alot.
It is a Del-Ton upper with a 4x scope on it. 1:9 twist 16" barrel that is not chromed. I think it is a 5.56x45 chamber.
With a low power scope those groups are not that bad.
Try a higher mag scope for load testing if you have one.
I used a 20x scope for testing on my AR15 then put a 1x-4x scope on it for hunting.
I was able to get my groups consistently under an inch with my 50gr V-max load using the high power scope
but I can't hold that with the low power scope, at least I know what the gun will do even though I can't.
velvetant":ymhgw5ma said:
With a low power scope those groups are not that bad.
Try a higher mag scope for load testing if you have one.
I used a 20x scope for testing on my AR15 then put a 1x-4x scope on it for hunting.
I was able to get my groups consistently under an inch with my 50gr V-max load using the high power scope
but I can't hold that with the low power scope, at least I know what the gun will do even though I can't.

I'd second that.

4x, non-free floated and stock trigger, you're actually about maxed out with what I'd expect.

Drop in Timney trigger and a better optic, and you probably have a 1" gun. (Also look for for any pressure on the hand guard wen you're shooting off the bench. This can open up groups.)