240 Bee finally ready.


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I have been working with this rifle for a while and while groups were ok they were not great. I tried 90 gr Accubonds, 85 gr Sierra BTHP, 80 TTSX and 95 gr BT. No dice.

So I switched to the 100 gr Nosler Partition and voila. Today I tuned the load.

Congratulations, nice shooting Fotis. Got to love it when things finally come together.
Nice job Fotis. 100 gr Partion at over 3400 fps is bad medicine for any antelope or deer you decide to go after for sure. Enjoy.
Nice work Fotis. You have the 240 Bee ready to sting!

Probably for antelope but who knows. Maybe for deer
The Partition should work good it did in a 243 for me. My buddy had a 240 B and started out using 100 gr Sierra bullets for deer and found that inside 150 yards they really blew up and lacked penetration especially if you hit the scapula. He went to one of the Barns X bullets and killed a couple with it but then traded the rifle off for something else. He never keeps a rifle long though.