240 WBY at 200 yards.


Nov 17, 2005
Tried a few more loads to verify the 105 HPBTs and RL26 at 53.5g from the 240. I tried 4 loads, 2 at .015" off with WLR and CCI250, and 2 at book length which is around .160" off with both a WLR and CCI250. Rifle definitely preferred the WLR primer seated .015" off the lands. ES was a lot more consistent at .015" off versus book length and all that jump also. Groups weren't bad at book length with all that jump, but as usual, they did shoot better being a lot closer to the lands, in this case .015" off. I started development with the WLR and working from 5 to 30 off the lands, been shooting around 3/4 MOA out to 300 yards. Just going to settle with the WLR primer at 15 off the lands. Good for 3250fps and 1/3-3/4 accuracy so far at 200 and 300 yards.


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2nd group from the left looks like a winner to me! 3250fps is pretty good, I thought a .240 wby might be a few hundred fps faster than that though with RL26?
QL is showing 3300fps with the 105s and a 24" tube, so it's pretty close to max. I blew a primer at 55.7g at 3400fps during the ladder workup. So I figured the 53.5g node at 3250fps was the way to go for testing.
I have not, but I will probably have to soon if I cant find any more RL26. I've got 2# of Retumbo, and around 10# of H1000, 2# of H4831 as well. Powder is lacking around my area big time.
Your load is very similar velocity and accuracy wise to mine. Also shooting 53.5 grs R26 with 105 AMax at 3.335 oal. WB 24” Vanguard. 3260 FPS.

Haven’t tried any higher loads and only tried Retumbo one time, popped a primer at 57 grs and accuracy wasn’t good so figured stay with R26 and not burn out barrel playing. 3250 ish with a 105 6mm bullet pretty serious medicine up through deer. Plenty flat shooting.

Someday when she’s getting tired might do a 26” barrel and shoot for 3300 ish with 105/110 bullets. That d be time to quicken up twist from 10 to either 8 or 9!