

Dec 28, 2008
I've got my eye on a beautiful 25-06 in a Ruger hawkeye.. The wood is awesome! It's sporting a mgnum contour barrel. So it's prolly abit heavier than I like but it's so damn beautiful I might break down.

It would make a great antelope /deer/yote rifle..

Always wanted a guarterbore.
Go for it. My 25-06 also has excellent wood but it is a ruger # 1B

I am generally favourably impressed with the Hawkeye. I understand why you would be drawn to it. And when it is available in a calibre that intrigues you, what is not to like.
I'm impressed with what I've seen of the Hawkeye. Most seem to have rather plain, straight grain wood, something with nice wood is special!

The .25-06 is a terrific coyote/deer rifle - exactly why I have one! Easy to load, easy to shoot and instant death on deer sized game and smaller... Flat shooting little rascal too.
The one I'm looking at has a magnum barrel? I think. Looks like a 300wm barrel. It's a bit heavy. But I'll bet she shoots!!
My M77 Ruger also has the heavier barrel and it really shoots well. It will out shoot most people who shoot it. It works very well on pronghorns with 100gr PAR or BT bullets and 56grs of IMR4831.
Yes it is a medium heavy barrel. They usually shoot well. I had 2 or 3 of them.