.257" 100g BT


Nov 17, 2005
I am gonna start shooting the 100g NBT at 3350fps from my 25-06. I know it will be a great dual purpose yote/deer bullet. Just curious as to your thoughts on how far I should limit it to deer? 500 yards or 600 yards? Its a pretty accurate combo 2" at 400y, so putting it where it needs to go shouldn't be a problem.
That is the only Nosler combo I and my buddies ever used! Coyotes, deer and antelope. No problems at all. My buddy has shot deer at ridiculous ranges (short and long) with no problems!

Why not the 115 gr BT for everything. The higher BC would give you more energy at long range but you would still get plenty of expansion on the coyotes.

JD- Well the 100g shoots slightly better. Thats pretty much the only reason. My 115's shoot only 3050fps, so theres really little difference between the two ballistically. I never had a problem with the 115g BT on deer, so figure I shouldn't have any problems with the 100g BT. I realize I'll give up a little penetration, but I very rarely have a shot under 200 yards on deer.
For broadside deer, 600 yards max or right where you just start to go below 1000ft-lbs would be the most I'd push it. The bullet has worked well for me on mule deer, antelope, and coyotes. It had no problems bringing antelope down at the 1000 ft-lb mark so if well placed I figure a push for deer.
The other bullet I have ever used in the 25-06 is the 117 Hornady boat tail.

This is truly a magic bullet fellas. It has a very short bearing surface. Additionally it can be launched at 3200 fps easily from any 24" barrel. I have killed more antelope and deer with this bullet than with any other bullet combined.

This slug is tough as nails too! I have never ever recovered one from any angle!
7mmfan- Well thats good to know you've had good success with the bullet on the same critters I'll be using it on. I think I'll probly limit it to 600 yards. I forget exactly where it runs out of 1000 ft lbs, but I believe its around 550-575 yards. I've shot 1 buck at 604 w/115g BT and it did fine, complete passthrough the shoulders. I'm sure the little 100g will be dynamite on yotes and antelope when I draw the tag again :(

POP- Ya know I've never ever been a big Hornady fan, except for there VMAX and AMAX bullets. There soft point boat tail bullets just dont have the BC for the longer shots. I played with that 117g BT out of my old 25-06 and it was ok accuracy wise. Never shot any coyotes or deer with the bullet so cant comment on that. Hornadys just never got my attention. I've always been a nosler first, sierra second kinda guy. My 25-06 that I have now just doesn't shoot the 115-117g class bullets accurately above 3050-3075fps. Hornadys are cheap though! Just looking for a bullet to do it all and thats cheap with a fairly high BC, and is pretty accurate...
At 6000 feet altitude and starting at 3350 fps they fall to 949 ft lbs at 700 yards.
100gr BT is all I use in my 257WM. My speeds are close to yours. I have shot pigs in Alabama at 500 to 600yrds all of them 200+ lbs for a farmer who wanted them gone. Shoulder,heart lung head did not seem to matter much, they all fell over or walked a short distance and died. This has been a perfect match for rifle and bullet. The other thing that you may or may not do is shooting at running animals. The velocity is realy nice and makes leading a deer or pig very easy,,,,at much closer ranges. That foot pound formula is nice to compare rifles but I still think it is flawed as far as how well something is going to kill an animal. I can't say enough good things about this combination!! I also wanted to go heavier but accuracy was not as good.

What is your loading for the .257WM? Do you know the velocity?

Thanks in advance,

Bend, Oregon
IMR 4831 has worked very well for me in three Weatherby barrels 2 are the older German with the slow twist 1 in 12 I think. I have tried 7831,7831sc and Reloader powders but this gives me dime sized groups at 100 yards. I am sad to say but this is the most finicky round I have. I use 66 grains of 4831 and Winchester mag primers. I get 3490fps with a very happy 20fps variation. I used to use Remington 91/2 primers (memory fails does that sound right) and my variation was wider so I tried many dif primers and that is what worked for me. I also played with bullet seating which in my rifles makes a huge dif in groups even with all that free bore. All 3 rifles are dif but are a little longer than what is in Nosler's book. I could load hotter but not a real gain and this gives me about 5 shots before the barrel gets too hot unlike my 120 grain load which only gives me three shots then it has to go cool off. Hope this helps. I would sure like to know what other people are doing with this qtr bore. I have a box of barnes blue bullets in the corner but I had very bad results with there triple shock so I am a little shy of them.
I found an old box of 90 Grn X bullets that shoot about an inch groups out of my 250 savage, Im guessing they run rel close to 3000 fps with 40 grains of H4350. Havent tried the triple shocks though. CL