257 Roberts


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Looks like my M700 Classic 257 Roberts will get the nod for an upcomming WT deer hunt next month.

This rifle is extreamly accurate with 100 gr BT/PT bullets and 45.0 grs IMR 4350 in a R-P case and a Federal Gm210M primer, considtantly hitting the .5" mark.
The 115 gr BT/PT bullets and 43.0 grs IMR 4350 are usually in the .6" range for accuracy
The 110 gr AB shoots well with RL 22 with .7-.8" accuracy. I think I am going to give IMR 4350 a try with the 110 gr AB.

What are you fellas loading in your 257 Roberts?

Just started working with a Remington 722 that belongs to my buddy.
Started with RL17 and so far it's looking good with 100gr Sierras and NBTs.
Haven't chronied any yet,been kinda hot and we're waiting on a day beloww 100 with light winds before we progress any farther.
I need to do some more work on this cartridge. I want to verify the data generated this spring. However, 37.5 g of IMR 8208 XBR with a 100 g Hornady SP gave me a 0.29 inch group at 2972 fps. I get 200 fps more with H414, but the group opens up to 1.03 inches. I'm still working with the 110 grain AB and RL 19. Stay tuned.
Hey JD,

All I have ever used in my bobs are H4350 & 100gr BTips. Rock and roll. Without looking the load up, right there is the 45- 48gr loading (One of my Bobs is an AI).

Yrs back in MSP when Gander Mt bought out Burger Brothers in Bloomington, they clearanced out alot of Noslers. I scored about 10 boxes of 257 Partitions in the 100-120gr range for 7.95$ a box. Plus a crap load of B/tTips.

I am basically set for life with that round and it is one of the Best whitetail cartridges around in my book.. Always been a bang-flop result..

JD -

I don't have any experience with this caliber, but you know me and my Viht powders. I think I'd go after the N-140 first.........

I've been working with some Reloder 17, IMR-4350, and Reloder 19 with the 100 gr ETip. I haven't been able to get any groups less than about 3/4" in my 700 Classic. But the velocity has been pretty good at around 3100 fps. My go to load is 110 AccuBond with Reloder 22 at bit over 3000 fps.
I'm shooting 45 grains of H-4350 with the 110 grain Accubonds in my tang safety Ruger, in 257 Roberts. And 46 grains H-4350 with the 100 grain Partition. I think these are both about 1 grain over max. but my rifle shows no signs of pressure. Both group under 1"
mine likes 47 gr H380 with 87 gr. speer, 44.5 gr IMR4350 with 110 AB with Fed 210 or WLR
Jim - I really wish you would stop posting about your 257 Roberts!!! I am drooling for one but also want a .375 Ruger. :grin: Of course I need either of them like I need a hole in my head! LOL

I should probably just wait to get my 338-06 back late this year and THEN worry about another rifle. I'll need that .375 Ruger for when Scotty and I go off to Africa on safari! :lol:
DrMike":7wi651hs said:
I'll need that .375 Ruger for when Scotty and I go off to Africa on safari!

Nah, you'll need more than that for elephant!
So true, Mike....I'll let Scotty shoot the Elephant and I'll just work on the Kudu and plains game. :grin:
Scott Spencer":1zq7h0wz said:
Jim - I really wish you would stop posting about your 257 Roberts!!! I am drooling for one but also want a .375 Ruger. :grin: Of course I need either of them like I need a hole in my head! LOL


This ones for you........ :wink:

M700 Classic 257 Roberts, Leupold Vari-X II 3-9x40mm 110 gr AB

JD338":3mrzn80c said:
Scott Spencer":3mrzn80c said:
Jim - I really wish you would stop posting about your 257 Roberts!!! I am drooling for one but also want a .375 Ruger. :grin: Of course I need either of them like I need a hole in my head! LOL


This ones for you........ :wink:

M700 Classic 257 Roberts, Leupold Vari-X II 3-9x40mm 110 gr AB


That picture never gets old!!

Plains game, heck we need to get all of us together to hunt the Wyoming/ID plains game! You might as well get that 257 Scott, you will have plenty of time to get the 375! Scotty

on my roberts a remington 722 custom almost all the time i use
100grs nosler Partition
46.0grs of imr-4350
fed 210m or br-2
case r-p
av. vel. 3050fps

10 years ago i help a friend to begin a hunting business in sonora so i works of guide one season, here a richard a hunter from california using my roberts one shot and he gets his mule deer, the mule deer was resting when i see, the left horn has 7 points and richard was so exited so, he take the deer, but on the righ horn has only 4 points

so the 257 roberts is a realy good rifle.


By mexicanhunter at 2010-09-02


By mexicanhunter at 2010-09-02


By mexicanhunter at 2010-09-02

best regards
Well I sent a few down range this evening, here are the results.......

110 gr AB
IMR 4350 43.0 grs
R-P case
Red GM210M primer
COL 2.950"
Avg vel 2833 fps
ES 46
SD 21

110 gr AB
RL 22 48.0 grs
R-P case
Red GM210M primer
COL 2.950"
Avg vel 2957 fps
ES 10
SD 6

100 gr PT
IMR 4350 45.0 grs
R-P case
Red GM210M primer
COL 2.932"
Avg vel 2992 fps
ES 12
SD 6

I am going to play with the COL on the RL 22 load.


Now thats a Mule Deer!
