270 load good enough for elk?


May 13, 2020
Received a box of 270 Barnes TTSX 130 gr bullets. I decided to use a tried and trued powder charge of IMR 4451 that has shot really well with multiple 130 bullets out of the 270. My 4 shot group is .510 inches. My velocity is right at 3000 fps at the muzzle. First attempt with this bullet and obviously it groups well so I kind of want to save them and not continue with load development. I know this load would be deadly on any deer walking. Is the bullet weight / bullet construction and velocity enough for elk in the opinion of hunters on here?
I use the 130 grain E-Tip in my 270 WSM. Granted, the velocity generated is somewhat higher than you report in your 270 Win. My load has taken elk, moose, black bear, mule deer and whitetail. I don't run my load hot as accuracy is far more important to me than velocity. Put the bullet into the boiler and elk will die just as you expect.
You’ll be fine using it on elk and like sized game. I get 3150 fps from the 130gr E-Tip from my 24” barreled 270 Win using RL26. I wouldn’t hesitate using it for elk, and would have complete confidence in it.
Received a box of 270 Barnes TTSX 130 gr bullets. I decided to use a tried and trued powder charge of IMR 4451 that has shot really well with multiple 130 bullets out of the 270. My 4 shot group is .510 inches. My velocity is right at 3000 fps at the muzzle. First attempt with this bullet and obviously it groups well so I kind of want to save them and not continue with load development. I know this load would be deadly on any deer walking. Is the bullet weight / bullet construction and velocity enough for elk in the opinion of hunters on here?

In one short sentence.............YEP it Dam Sure Is.
Myself and one of my hunting buddy's have taken many elk with the .277 bullet. Take your shot in the right place and all is well.
I took my first elk with the .270 and the 150 Barnes original. Worked just fine. What you have to consider is distance , angle of the shot, and other factors.
Bullet placement is of course key. I love the .270win. All my subsequent elk have been taken with my .338 WM and a 225 Partition.
I took my first elk with a .54 cal lead ball at about 125 yards. The next 12 were all taken with my .270 win and whatever 130 grain ammo was on sale that year. As everyone else has said, shot placement is key. The Barnes will work just fine, like someone else said keep the velocity above 2,000 fps.
I’ve used the 270 with 130 gr partitions on many elk, deer and plains game in Africa. Never an issue, you will be fine.
As most here; I can confirm without reservation, that bullet in that cartridge will kill elk. I hunted here in Colorado with a father son duo along with 3 other friends for over a decade and hauled many harvested elk out of the forest. None were killed with this bullet, it was before its time. The point here is simply even with inferior bullets the 270 Win. kills elk effectively and now with superior bullet construction will only be better on those less than perfect hits. I have reloaded now for over 35 years, I have seen a lot of design and tech advancements in that time.
Shoot straight hit them in the Autonomic Plexus, or bread basket and down they will go. THEN the work starts.
Absolutely! The last elk I killed was nice 6x6 at 260 yds with 270. 57.5 gr. H4350 130 grain Barnes TSX 2980 fps in 22 inch barrel. Shot was quartering to and both shots exited behind off shoulder. The elk took 3 steps and collapsed.
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