Excellent performance once again from the 270 130 grain E-tip. The shot was at a large 10 point northern Minnesota whitetail in a hard quartering on position - almost head-on. The buck was about 70 yards away and screened by thin brush, but I could see a 6-8" window on his brisket. I was hoping he would continue into the open, but he started bobbing his head up and down - I suspect he saw my silhouette in a portable tree stand. I realized that this was the only shot I would get. The rifle seemed solid, and I took the shot.
At the shot the buck took off with his left shoulder immobile. He went about 40 yards and piled up. As he expired he hit a tree hard enough to break off one of his brow tines and the end of one beam.
A post-mortem showed that the bullet hit about 1-2" left of center where the brisket meets the neck leaving a .277 diameter entrance. I found the bullet buried in the fat layer under the hide just behind the last rib on the right side. Retained weight was 129 grains, which to me indicates complete weight retention minus the acrylic tip (plus a little bit of venison that I missed under one of the curls). Mushroom consists of four even petals (as usual). The bullet took off the arteries over the heart but didn't impact any of the quarters. There must have been enough shock to deaden the one shoulder at impact.
At the shot the buck took off with his left shoulder immobile. He went about 40 yards and piled up. As he expired he hit a tree hard enough to break off one of his brow tines and the end of one beam.
A post-mortem showed that the bullet hit about 1-2" left of center where the brisket meets the neck leaving a .277 diameter entrance. I found the bullet buried in the fat layer under the hide just behind the last rib on the right side. Retained weight was 129 grains, which to me indicates complete weight retention minus the acrylic tip (plus a little bit of venison that I missed under one of the curls). Mushroom consists of four even petals (as usual). The bullet took off the arteries over the heart but didn't impact any of the quarters. There must have been enough shock to deaden the one shoulder at impact.