280 is excellent

longwinters did write: "amazing that this caliber is not in the top 10 rifles"

The short answer why, is the .270Win, which has been around since 1935. Most anyone who has studied the two will say that the .280Rem is marginally better, ballistically than is the .270Win. Who can argue with the performance of any of the 7mm bullet family? However, the differences between the two are not enough to cause all the disciples of the .270Win to forsake that great cartridge. It just is not going to happen. What is the current standing of the .270Win worldwide? Maybe third? The .280Rem introduced by Remington under two different names over the years, simply has a long way to go before entering the top ten division.
Thats alright. I like being a little different in what I carry in the woods for hunting.


If you ever get the itch for something really different, rebarrel to a 280 AI.
You will get 7mm Mag performance BUT you can still load factory 280 Rem shells. Its the best of both worlds.


In the past I have read that Ackley Improved cartridges with the very steep shoulder, have feeding problems. True?
The only one with which I have had personal experience is the 8mm-06AI.
I did on occasion, have some hard feeding with that cartridge.

I have had no problems with my 280 AI. Mine is built on a M700 action which was blueprinted and a Hart #5 flutted 24" barrel was installed.
This rifle shoots the Nosler 160 gr AB in the .2's.
I still get to shoot 280 Rem (which is a fantastic caliber for just about anything) when I fireform brass. Very painless and the 280 AI brass seems to last.



If I every get another caliber rifle it will be the 280AI. I have thought about getting my Sako 280 invigorated to the AI but it is such a good shooter and is a pretty new rifle so . . . plus I think if I went this route I would get it on a McMillan stock and the hole 9 yards. Between my Browning SS in 7m08 and the 280 I am pretty well settled for my hunting needs.
